12. Coronation

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Baal looks at herself in the mirror.
The dress seems a bit over the top for her taste but she doesn't want to disappoint Frigga who is watching with tears in her eyes.

The gown suits her figure perfectly but feels heavy. Baal's hair is braided into a beautiful updo which will soon be completed with her crown.
"You look out of this world, dear", Frigga says with a few sniffles. Baal chuckles as she looks at the mirror and back at Frigga.
"It's only my coronation", Baal says trying to calm down her mother in law.
"You'll become the most powerful version of yourself, Baal. Your mind will hatch from its cocoon and fly into the horizon to become wiser."

Baal smiles at Frigga's encouraging words. "I love you, my dear. You are the greatest gift this family has ever received."
The Allmother kisses Baal's forehead before leaving her to take a few minutes to calm down before the ceremony.

As the door closes Baal looks back at the mirror.
"This is it", She says to herself.

As she looks at herself she notices something.
She's definitely not the same girl that left Salona, she has grown. Not only physically but mentally.
No one here treats her like her father or brother. Everyone here loves her for who she is.
Baal smiles to herself.

A knock suddenly interrupts her silence. "Come in." The door creaks open. "Hello, darling."
Baal's eyes widen.

The man smiles proudly. "So, today is the day", He asks rhetorically. Baal nods nonetheless. "You look beautiful."
"I didn't know they invited you", Baal suddenly says shocking her father. "Of course they did. I'm your father after all."

Baal is disappointed but not surprised. Only Loki knows about the real person behind the facade.

"I wish your mother was here." Baal's eyes widen.

Not once did he bring up her mother without turning it into an argument.
"She would be proud", He continues.
"Father, I don't have time for your speech. I need to prepare." Then her father laughs.

It wasn't out of happiness or pride, it was evil and mischievous.
"You should always be reminded of your mother."
He walks over to Baal and caresses her cheek. Baal pulls away out of fear.
"You look just like her." Then he hums and walks over to the door. "Too bad she committed treason. Also, I've heard that you and your husband have grown close. Have you fucked yet?"


Baal's father is shocked by her sudden choice of tone. "How dare you-"
"No, how dare you", She yells. "How dare you come into my home and insult me like this."
Her father is speechless.
"This isn't Salona, I'm not your princess anymore!"


After a few minutes of silence Baal's father clears his throat and leaves without another word.

Baal calms herself down by taking multiple deep breaths. Then another knock interrupts her. This time it's one of the guards.
"Lady Baal, it's time."


Proud music plays as Baal walks down the isle, at the end waits her new family ready to crown her their princess.
The crowd cheers with every step she takes.

A feeling of pride and power overtake Baal. She's not nervous or embarrassed, she's ready for what's about to happen.

As she reaches the end of the isle the crowd quiets down. Odin steps forward to begin with the ceremony. "Do you, Baal of Salona, swear to stay loyal to the crown and protect it with your life", Odin pleads. Baal raises her hand with a smile. "I do."
To her surprise Odin smiles back proudly.
Baal bows down as Odin carefully takes her crown to place it onto her head.

Slowly but surely he places the gemmed crown onto Baal's head.
"You are now Baal, Princess of Asgard!"
The crowd goes wild as Odin speaks those words.
Baal turns towards the crowd to present herself to her new people.
They cheer her name and wrote songs about her, her kindness and beauty.

Loki comes up to her side as stares in the protocol.
"I'm so proud of you", He says as he takes Baal's hand.

Baal and Loki proceed to wave to the crowd but something immediately rubs her the wrong way. Her father was so keen on seeing the ceremony but she cannot spot him anywhere.
To be honest, she doesn't even know why she bothers to worry about him. He has done nothing to earn it.


At night a great ball takes place to celebrate Baal's coronation.
She's not too fond of all the protocol. All she has been doing tonight was greet guests and thank them for praising her.

She just wants to dance with her husband.

"Hey, princess." Baal looks up at the man standing next to her. "Thor, no beer today?" He shakes his head.
"I'm happy for you, I really am, but something just can't seem to let me rest." Baal tilts her head in confusion. "What is it?"
"The murders. They are too random and now your father suddenly shows up out of the blue?"
Baal has to agree with him.

Something is not right but Odin won't investigate it.
It unconsciously bothers her in her sleep.

"Thor, I'm afraid that something will happen tonight", She says. Thor looks down at her with a frown. "I must agree. You're now officially Asgard's princess."

Baal let's out a sigh, she hopes that the murders aren't her fault.

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