10. Drowning

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As the birds start chirping and rays of sunlight start to shine on Baal's face she wakes up from a good nights rest.
To her disappointment she does not find her husband next to her who gave her a pleasurable night.
Baal is disappointed for sure but also not surprised. She doesn't see Loki as a clingy man. He needs his space.

Then a knock is heard on Baal's door. She covers her still naked body with her silk sheets. "Come in."
The door opens and to her surprise she sees Loki entering with a tray. "Surprise", He sings as he places the tray onto Baal's bed.
"How did you manage to get breakfast?" Loki smiles proudly.

Loki snuck out of bed early to get to the kitchen. He knows the cook's schedule and managed to slide into the kitchen during one if his breaks. Loki threw together a quick breakfast for his wife and went back to the bedroom.
"It doesn't matter, dear. Eat before it gets cold!"
Baal hesitantly grabs the fork to pick up a piece of the food. She shoves it into her mouth and is surprised by the flavor.
Salonian food is very bland. Baal was blown away by Asgardian food, she loves it.
"Thank you, Loki", She says with a smile.

Loki sits down in front of her and watches her eat before speaking. "So, what would you like to do today", He asks but Baal only shrugs.
"I don't know. I don't really have anything to do around here."
Suddenly a knock interrupts them. "I'll get it", Loki says and goes before Baal can say anything.

Loki opens the door to a maid.
To her surprise Loki isn't wearing a shirt, only pants. "The Allfather calls for Lady Baal." The maid leaves and Loki gives the news to Baal.
She jumps out of bed to get dressed.

She kisses Loki goodbye and exits her room.
For a moment she is startled by the many guards in front of her room but calms down immediately.
They accompany her to Odin's throne room.
As she arrives she sees Odin on his thrown. "Ah, Baal", He says as he sees her.
"Good morning, Allfather", She says with a courtesy.

"Baal, we have lots to discuss." He gets up from his seat and presents himself in all his glory.
He steps down from his thrown and pedestal to level with Baal.
"My dear, we need to discuss your coronation. Frigga and I want it to be perfect. We want your coronation day to be in a month." Baal's eyes widen. "A month?! What about the attack?"
Odin sighs. "Like I said, we cannot show weakness. Best prepare yourself for the ceremony, now leave me."

Baal bows and leaves the throne room.
Her emotions are all over the place, as if someone is messing with her.
Deep in her thoughts Baal walks back to her room where Loki has been waiting for her.
"What did he want", He asks but immediately notices Baal's troubled face. "What happened?" Loki jumps up from the bed and rushes over to Baal to comfort her.

"The coronation ceremony is in a month." Loki raises an eyebrow in confusion. "What about the attack?" Baal shrugs.

Loki looks down at his wife while her eyes are directed at the ground. She seems tense. "Baal, let me comfort you." The said woman looks up at Loki. "Loki, I appreciate everything you are doing", She starts.
"But... right now I'd like to be alone with my thoughts."
Loki hums. "Are you sure?" Baal nods and Loki smiles. "If you need anything, you know where to find me."

He proceeds to grab his things, gives Baal a kiss on her forehead and leaves the room.

Baal feels bad for sending him away but she's not ready to talk about all of her feelings, her burdens.
She falls onto her soft bed and lets out a deep sigh.

Drowning, it describes her current feeling well; drowning in expectations and emotions with no way to the surface.
She also cannot loose the feeling that something is off about the murders, they seem too messy, too unorganized; as if they were here for someone else. But who?
Baal rubs her eyes in frustration.

She then decides to look for someone she can talk to.

Maybe Thor?
No, he'll tell Loki everything.

She doesn't want to worry him.

There's only one other person she can talk to freely.
With determination Baal jumps from her bed and leaves her room to head for the library.
To her surprise she finds the person right there.
Frigga turns around. "Oh, Baal!" She puts down the book that was in her hands before.
"You look troubled", She notices right away.

Baal nods and sits down in one of the many cushioned stools.
"I feel like I'm at the end of my rope", Baal says as Frigga sits down next to her. "Odin wants the coronation to be next month." Frigga frowns at the news.

Of course she knew but she hated the idea as well.

"Child, I know you're lost right now but don't let these things get to you. Yes, we have murderers running free but we are Asgard. They cannot bend us."
Frigga puts her arm around Baal's shoulders to pull her into a hug.
"The coronation is a great thing. The people love you, we love you."

There it is. We.

Something Baal's father never used in a loving way.

"You are a part of this family, Baal. When you're crowned you will be one with the people."
Baal smiles at Frigga's words. She's wise and comforting.

Then Frigga breaks the hug. "Why haven't you talked to Loki about this? You two grew very close, right?" Baal's cheeks blush as she thinks about last night. "I didn't want to worry him."
Frigga smiles.

"I know you mean well, child, but Loki needs you more than you think."

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