17. Letter

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5 months have passed since the incident.

With every inch Baal's baby bump grows Loki becomes happier. He treats her like a goddess and loves her with all his heart.

"So when will we know the baby's gender", He asks again. "The nurses say it still takes time."
Baal tries to put on a smile with Loki around, she knows that the day will come she just doesn't know when. Whenever she thinks about it she holds back her tears.

How could a thing that she hasn't even met before cause her so much pain.

"Love, are you okay", Loki asks as he sees Baal drifting off into her thoughts. "Huh? Yes, I'm fine."
Loki smiles and sits down next to her in the garden.
"I got a letter for you."
He gives it to Baal who's just as curious as he is.
As she turns around the letter she immediately recognizes the Salonian sigil that is pressed into the wax.
She rips open the envelope and finds a letter inside.

"Dearest big sister or should I say dear Princess,

My coronation will take place in two days. I'd like you to be apart of it. We have lots to discuss and to catch up on.


Your brother Ezra"

The green ink shimmers in the sun as Baal rereads the letter looking for more clues.
"Your brother", Loki asks. "Since when did he talk to you?"
"Starting today."
"This is very suspicious, Baal. You shouldn't go."

Baal puts the letter onto the table and looks into the distance trying to think of a solution to this situation.
"I can take guards with me."
"They won't be enough. If you really want to go I should come too!"
Baal looks up at Loki, he's worried. "No, Salona hates Asgard, especially after everything that happened. You are related to Odin, they will kill you on the spot."

"So what about you?" Baal is at a loss for words.
She has to talk to her brother but she can't bring Loki because of safety reasons.
She also can't go alone otherwise Loki will protest.

"I love you, Baal", Loki suddenly says as he kneels down next to her chair and takes her hand into his. "I don't want you to get hurt."
Baal smiles. "I won't, I promise."
Loki gives her a kiss on the cheek. "You are so precious to me. I couldn't bare to loose you."
"You won't loose me, I promise."

In the evening the whole family gathers for dinner.
Loki tells everyone about the letter Baal's brother Ezra sent.
"It's a suspicious letter", Thor says. "I agree", Frigga says, only Odin stays quiet.
"I am conflicted, my dear", He says. "I want to uphold the peace with Salona but I don't want you to go."
Odin takes a sip of his wine. "I should go."

"With all due respect, you can't. Asgardians are not welcome in our kingdom. Only I can enter."
"But will you return", Odin suddenly questions.
It's a question everyone at the table has been asking themselves.

"Baal, we're on the brink of war with Salona. The only way to prevent it is if you talk some sense into your brother", Odin continues.
"Unfortunately, I believe that will not be the case."
"I have to try, Allfather."
Thor then smashes his fist onto the table.
"Don't you understand that we're discussing about your life right now, Baal!"


"I understand your concern but this is something I have to do, not only for the sake of Asgard but for me. I need this closure to move on."

Baal can see the disbelief in Thor's eyes, in everyone's eyes.
Right here she made her decision. She doesn't know if it's worth dying for but she'll manage.


The moonlight breaks through slits in the curtains as a cold wind makes them sway from side to side.

Baal lays on her side while Loki hugs her from behind. He's fast asleep while Baal is awake.
This is her chance.
She slips out from under Loki's arm and out of bed.

She changes into a golden gown with a fitting cape and pins her hair the way she always does.
She already packed a small bag she could easily hide from Loki.
He always tried to make sure that she wouldn't run away without telling him.

After Baal grabbed everything she needed she heads for the room's door.
Before opening it she looks back at Loki who is still sleeping peacefully.
"Goodbye, my love."
Then she opens the door and vanishes into the halls of Asgard's castle.
Lucky for her she reaches the stables without being seen and saddles her horse.

Then she opens the stable's' door and rides off into the city and towards the Rainbow Bridge.

It's a relatively short ride considering the length of the bridge.
As she stops in front of the Bifröst she is greeted by Heimdall.

"What are you doing here, your majesty."
Baal gets down from her horse and grabs her bag. "I have to go to Salona."
Heimdall hums as he hears Baal's reason.
"Why do you want to go there?"
"I have to set things right."
He then smiles at the woman. "There's nothing to be settled there, Baal. If you go you can never return."

Baal huffs as she looks pat Heimdall towards the Bifröst's gates.
"Heimdall, I have to do this."
"I'm not here to stop you from your destiny, your majesty. Just know that if you do this you'll leave many sad souls behind."

Baal clenches her bag, she has never been so sure of anything else.

"Take me to Salona, Heimdall."

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