5. The Wedding

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Another morning goes by where Baal is prepared for a special event but this time she is not as excited or happy about it.

The big white dress suits her well but she just can't bring herself to like it.
Her black hair is neatly pinned into a bun where the veil is being fixed into. The veil is longer than the trail of the dress.
"You look gorgeous, Lady Baal", A maid says. "Asgard is lucky to have a woman like you." Baal huffs. "You don't even know me", She mumbles. The maid furrows her brows in confusion. She obviously did not hear Baal.

"I'd like to be alone", Baal requests and the maids leave after a short bow.

As the door shuts Baal looks at her reflection in the mirror.
She thought she'd see herself but now she only sees a lost and angered girl with no choice.
She's angry, not only at herself but at her father as well. "Don't make me regret this."


The harmonic sound of violins fill the great room. The guests take their seats and are ambitiously waiting for the bride.

Thor nudges Loki. "How are you, brother", He asks with his deep voice. Loki crosses his arms in front of his chest with anger plastered all over his face. "Why didn't he choose you", Loki sneers. "Only father knows", Thor says with a shrug. "I'm sure you'll make a great husband."
"A great husband for a cowardly girl." Thor raises an eyebrow at Loki's unexpected choice of words.

"Brother, wasn't mother's disappointment enough?"

Loki immediately breaks eye contact as he remembers his mother's words. She was disappointed in him for making Baal cry in front of everyone. Thor brought it up intentionally and it's definitely useful.

Suddenly the music starts and everyone runs to their places. Loki walks up to the entrance of the venue and waits for the sign.
Soon after he walks up to the altar feeling guilty. This may be the only chance he has to make a friend no one else has and he's ruining it.

He stops in front of the altar and fiddles with his fingers out of pure nervousness.
Then the music changes and all the faces turn to the entrance.

There she is.

Baal walks down the isle, her arm linked with her father's. The white and big dress looks gorgeous on her. The only thing missing is a smile or some emotion in her eyes. The light is gone.

As they reach the altar Baal walks up next to Loki without exchanging a look. Loki swallows the knot in his throat and stands straight as well.

The ceremony takes at least three hours. Asgardian and Salonian traditions are both incorporated into the ceremony to bring justice to both cultures. At the end the priest speaks out the most important words.
"Loki Odinson, Prince of Asgard, are you willing to marry Baal of Salona and cherish her until death tears you apart."
"I do", Loki answers with no hesitation.
"Lady Baal of Salona, are you willing to marry Loki Odinson and cherish him until death."

Suddenly the tension in the hall rises as Baal says nothing.

Loki dares to look at her and all he sees is a stone cold face but, to his surprise, with tears in her eyes. She takes a deep breath before speaking.
"I do." The priest grins. "I pronounce you husband and wife!"

The hall starts to cheer and chant the married couple's names. Loki offers his hand to Baal but she refuses to take it.
Together they walk down the isle and out of the venue. Outside they are greeted by the townsfolk who were not invited to the wedding.
They are cheering as well as Loki and Baal just wave appropriately.


In the evening another feast takes place and now loud music echoes through the halls of Asgard's castle. People are singing and dancing in circles with lots of laughter.

Loki watches the joyful crowd and sometimes looks over at Baal who is sitting right next to him.
She hasn't said one word.
Loki decides to gather his courage to talk to her. He clears his throat before doing so.
"So, uhm, Baal. Would you like to dance." Silence. Loki didn't expect any less.
"I wanted to apologize for my actions at your arrival. It was not my place to speak about you and your kingdom that way."

Baal huffs. "You don't have to apologize for the truth", She says. "Oh?" Loki raises an eyebrow in confusion. "Don't act like you don't know." Baal turns to look at Loki for the first time today.
Her purple eyes are like daggers right through his heart.

"I want to make one thing clear", She starts. "This marriage is for diplomatic purposes only. I have no interest in love or anything that has to do with it."

Even though Loki agrees those words hurt like an arrow. "I understand", He can only say.
"Although I must say... you look very beautiful."
Baal looks down at Loki as he tries to avoid eye contact. His words are sweet and direct in a way but also sound false and manipulative.
"You look charming yourself", She says as she looks back onto the dance floor.

Loki notices that Baal's cold aura starts to warm up. He smiles to himself as he thinks about the compliment she made him.
Suddenly he has the urge to get to know Baal better but since it's only been a day he'll keep quiet.

He doesn't want to push her.

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