2. Arrival

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The next morning Baal is surrounded by multiple maids.
One paints her face with traditional designs while the other combs and pins her long hair in place.
"Oh, Lady Baal, if only I had hair like you", The maid sighs as she brushes the silky strand.
"It's possible. Patience is all you need", Baal says as she smiles at the maid through the mirror.

"Lady Baal, do you know this prince of Asgard", The other asks. "I am not familiar with him nor their culture."
"Has the king not told you which brother you will marry?"

Now that Baal thinks about it her father never told her more about her future husband.
Who is the man she will marry.

"My father failed to mention the details", Baal says.
The maids only share a confused look but finish up their work.
"All done, Lady Baal."
The maids back up to let Baal look at the result of their work.

Baal's face is covered in white and yellow strokes that form a beautiful design on her cheeks and forehead. Her lips are bright red.
Her eyes then wander up to her black hair which is in some sort of updo.

The upper half of her hair has small braids in them and is pinned down with a traditional hair stick covered in gems. The rest of her hair hangs freely down to the middle of her upper thighs.
"Thank you for your hard work. I must change now."

The maids bow and leave the room. Shortly after another maid enters with lots of fabric in her hands.
"Lady Baal. I an here to dress you", She says.

"I'd love to see what you have prepared for me", Baal says as she gets up from her chair.

The maid then carefully puts on the robe layer by layer. First the base, a strapless burgundy colored dress that reaches to the ground.
Over that the maid slides on a long sleeved slightly transparent robe in the same color.
It is covered in golden details and the ends of the sleeves are a dark teal color.

"This will be the last part", The maid assures Baal as she ties a dark teal belt around her waist.
Sparkling gold chains dangle from the belt to give the dress more movement and flare.
"All done", The maid says as she looks at the finished product with a light in her eyes.

Baal turns to look at the robe in the mirror.

She can't believe her eyes. She hates to admit it but she has never looked better. The colors suit her and the shape of the dress compliments her figure.

Suddenly a knock interrupts the moment.

The door opens and Baal's father enters. "My my. You look gorgeous, my dear", He says as he sees Baal. "You look rather dashing yourself, father", She says playfully.
The father smiles in response. "I've asked the maids to sow you the finest dress in the realm and I see that they have fulfilled their job perfectly."
"They have indeed."
The king smiles once again.

"Come now, my child. We do not want to be late." He holds out his arm for Baal to link into.

Together they walk through their small palace and towards the big entrance.
As they reach it the guards open the big and heavy doors for them to exit through.

Before they step down the stairs Baal's father turns to face her. "I'm sorry, my dear, but your brother can't make it."
It doesn't faze Baal that much. She and her brother are not that close
"Then do give him my best wishes", Baal says with a smile.

Then they step down the stairs. At the bottom wait more guards and horses.

Baal raises an eyebrow. "Horses?" Her father chuckles. "The Bifrost might take us to Asgard but our horses will take us over the bridge and to the palace", He says.

Baal asks no further questions and jumps onto her horse.
She takes a deep breath and signals her father that she is ready.
He nods with a smile and then turns his face towards the sky.
"We're ready, Heimdall."

After a short moment of silence a colorful beam shoots out of the sky and right onto Baal, her father and the guards.

She feels as if she is lifted from her horses saddle but holds onto it tightly.

Just a second later her horse walks out of the rainbow beam and inside a new location.
Baal cannot believe her eyes as she sees the Bifröst of Asgard.

She read about it in a few books in her kingdom's library but that's all she could find about Asgard.

Her eyes wander around the room and land on a man in golden armor.
"Welcome to Asgard", He says in a deep voice. "I am Heimdall, the gatekeeper."
"We are more than honored to be in your presence, gatekeeper", Baal's father says, clearly to flatter the man named Heimdall.

Heimdall doesn't seem fazed at all by the compliment. "Is this all", He asks as he looks at the group of guards behind the two royals. "This is all."
Heimdall nods and pulls out a big sword from the podium he's standing on.
"The Allfather is awaiting your arrival. These guards will take you to the palace."

Baal looks past the gatekeeper and sees two asgardians guards sitting on horses outside the Bifröst.

The guards lead Baal and her companions across the rainbow bridge connecting Asgard and the Bifröst.
Baal looks ahead and sees the beautiful city and its humongous golden palace. She can barely keep her mouth closed as she stares in total amazement.

A few minutes later they finally reach the city gates.

To their surprise all the people of Asgard have gathered to look at the bride.
It's like a welcoming festival. As Baal rides through the city the people around her welcome her and throw flowers out of joy.

As Baal watches them she is suddenly reminded of Drogo.
She didn't have the chance to say goodbye to him and now feels guilty. On the other hand she knows that he didn't want to see her. She knows how he is when he's upset.
The feeling of being uncomfortable runs her over like a horse in battle. She can't help but think about her choice. It was never really a choice to begin with and she doesn't even know who she is going to marry.

"Chin up, my dear", Baal's father suddenly says.
"We have arrived."

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