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I had no memory of falling asleep, but apparently I had. The marks on my body indicating that I slept rather deeply were shocking to see to say the least. I felt groggy as I sat up, and my hand felt something that wasn't the bed.

There was a set of clothes laid out, and I shivered, knowing it had to have been one of the seven men I was sharing a space with. Had I not locked the door? Did the door even have a lock? I jumped up from the bed to check. It didn't.

Alright, the first thing I was going to do was find a different room with a lock on it. I liked my privacy, and I was certainly not going to be in a room where anyone can just waltz in. I stared at the clothes on the bed. It looked like my style: comfortable and simple. Jeans and a black tank top. I checked the tags. They were my size. Somehow. If they measured me in my sleep I'll murder them right here and now. I thought.

I finally ditched the insane asylum fit for the comfy one. It fit in all the right places. I hated to admit it, but anything was better than what I was wearing before, even if it was selected for me. I went to the bathroom before heading out into the unknown. I hadn't gotten a chance to look at it before.

There was a massive shower that could fit at least 5 people, and a nice tub next to it with a bunch of different soaps around it. The bathroom itself was rather spacious too, it even had a small chandelier inside. A little extra, sure, but it was really nice. I almost changed my mind to find another room. After all, the bathroom had a lock. I shook my head, heading for the door once more.

When I opened it, it was stark quiet. As if there were no one else in the house. I didn't know what I was expecting instead, but I found myself feeling not uneasy, but somewhat strange all the same. No, this is good. Especially if they're all out. I can make plans without having to tiptoe around.

I went to open the next door I saw and then I froze when my hand gripped the handle. What if this was one of their rooms? Namjoon didn't mention where my room was in comparison to theirs. Surely, one of their rooms wouldn't be right next to mine, right? I took a quick breath in and out and I opened the door.

I was wrong. Dead wrong. What greeted me on the other side of the door was a shirtless man, fresh out of the shower, in nothing but a towel. His icy glare stared right at me, like I was a bug he needed to squash. I was frozen, and my mind was screaming at me to move, but I couldn't. I also couldn't keep my eyes from roaming to his bare chest, watching as stray droplets were still dripping down.

His dark hair was slicked back but there were little stray hairs that were in his face that just touched his dark eyes. As I noticed a freckle that was right on his bottom lid, the pair of eyes squinted at me, and his deep voice shook me to my core. "Get out."

  "Sh-shit, sorry." I slammed the door shut in haste.
Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. I cringed at myself as I practically walked down the hall so fast I might as well have been jogging. Great, now he hates you even more. That's the last thing I need. You just had to stare at him didn't you? He probably thinks you did that on purpose. He saw you eyeing him up. Why the hell do you even care what he thinks? So what if he's sort of attractive? No, not sort of. He looks like a god. And seeing him shirtless didn't do you any favors. I still don't even know his name...

My mind was running rampant, and I was too busy running away from those thoughts to see where I was going. I somehow ended up on the bottom floor, in the front foyer. I had never been to this part of the house yet, so I took some time to wander around, trying to distract my thoughts from the sight I saw earlier.

There was another chandelier, only much bigger, and it tied the whole elegant room together. It made me wonder if they designed this themselves or if they brought someone in. Whoever it was, they had taste.
Once my breathing had finally calmed down, my stomach began to rumble.

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