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       After I put the dress on again in my room, I did my best to doll the rest of myself up to match the elegant dress. I heard the occasional noise of walking around and clattering around the house.

         A sudden surge of anxiety pooled in my stomach and my hands became clammy at the thought of the unknown. I looked at myself reluctantly in the mirror, once again in the dress that made me look more put together than I was.

       I had no idea what I was supposed to do with my rat nest of hair at this point, and I knew the more I messed with it, the more shitty it would look. So, I ended up opting with the curling iron that was provided for me, even though I knew it would be a pointless endeavor. It would probably revert to normal before we even left the house.

       And makeup. I was never a fan. I never learned how to do it properly so in the past when I would put any on, it would be extremely minimal. Some lip gloss, maybe some foundation to cover up any pimples. Eye makeup if I was really feeling fancy. In this scenario, I was not risking putting too much on and looking like a clown.

       For some reason, I felt embarrassed wearing this in front of the guys. All they've really seen me in are a variation of tank tops, oversized t-shirts and jeans, with the exception of Hoseok and Jimin seeing me in another dress. I turned my head towards the door as I heard a sort of insistent knock.

       I swallowed and I could feel my pulse rising as I reluctantly walked to the door. I knew if I didn't open it, the knocking would persist anyway. I wish there was a peephole so I could mentally prepare myself, but nevertheless I swung it open and Jimin was there in a white button up with his sleeves rolled up, with black pants and shiny dress shoes. He looked expensive, and when he stared at me, his dark eyes were as shiny as his shoes as he glanced up and down before saying, "Wow. You look..wow."

       I turned away so he wouldn't see my face. I was afraid it would look red not only from his comment, but simply from the way he looked at me. "Yeah..well...thanks. Did you need something?" I managed to ask, gaining distance from him and pretending to look for something in my room.

        When I didn't get an answer, I looked back at him reluctantly, and he let himself in and closed the door behind him. I scoffed, "Yes, you can totally come in, thanks for asking." until he turned around, his silver earring swaying back and forth as he did. He was staring.

       "You look so serious.." I mumbled, and I made the mistake of glancing at his lips, which looked gleamy from chapstick. The image of them much closer to mine in his car flashed in my mind and I turned away again, fumbling with the shoe box with the matching shoes to my dress.

       "We need to talk. You've been avoiding me, little bird. I don't like it." He said, and I almost laughed. Almost.

       "What is there to talk about?" I asked, knowing exactly what he was trying to bring up. I didn't want to do this. Not when my head was already spinning just from looking at him. "Come on. Don't be like that." He said, and I ignored him. Though, it was much harder with every step he took towards me. "Look, Jimin, I really don't want to do this now."

         "Too fucking bad." Jimin said in a tone I hadn't heard from him, and he grabbed my arm to make me face him. The sudden unexpected contact made me jump, like I had touched something hot. My first instinct was to fight, but I fought myself instead and kept my hands to myself.

        I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "Don't touch me. Get out." I said, pointing to the door.

      "No. Not until we talk about this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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