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We ended up splitting into two cars. Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi headed towards the rooftop across from the church, and the rest of us made our way towards one of the side alleys next to it. As Jimin drove the four door black sedan, I was unfortunate enough to be squeezed in the back between Jungkook and Tae, since Hoseok practically slipped in the front next to Jimin before I could.

Jungkook and Tae's legs brushed against mine at every bump, every turn, every slight movement the car made, and saying I was uncomfortable was an understatement. I had been this close to Jungkook when I was on the back of his motorcycle, but this was different, especially with Tae on the other side of me making me feel like I couldn't move, let alone breathe in peace without getting a scrutinizing look. It pissed me off, so I fidgeted. I bounced my leg, cracked my knuckles, rolled my shoulders, anything to relieve my annoyance.

    As we drove, I tried to make myself smaller to avoid both Tae and Jungkook's legs touching mine, but to no avail, as they made no effort to quit spreading out their legs. "We couldn't take a bigger car because?" I asked with an annoying huff. Jimin looked at me through the rearview mirror and his eyes were sparkling with amusement that I didn't understand.

I could see Hoseok trying not to laugh at me too, and before Jimin could answer, Jungkook which finally broke his silence as he loudly groaned in irritation and he practically slammed his tattooed hand on my thigh which had been bouncing up and down. "What are you, five? Are you incapable of sitting still for twenty minutes?" Jungkook exasperated.

    "Get. Your hand. Off of me." I spat, as I glared back at him. Jungkook was still for a moment, and his eyes darted down to his hand, as if he hadn't even realized what he had done. He took it off and clenched his fist, and I still felt the tingles on my leg that his hand had left. "Sit still then."

"Move your fucking legs so I can have more room then." I snapped back, and he stuck his tongue in his cheek, about to say something back, when Jimin suddenly jerked the car to the right for seemingly no reason. Since there was no room for me to properly put on a seatbelt, I hadn't been wearing one. The entire top half of my body fell right onto Tae's lap, and on instinct I had braced myself by placing my hand on one of his legs.

I dared not look in Tae's direction as I immediately sat back up, though out of the corner of my eye I could see his mouth was slightly ajar, and he felt more tense beside me. He was staring daggers at Jimin. Jimin's shoulders, however, were shaking and Hoseok was looking out the window to his side, with his fist over his mouth.

Needless to say, it was the longest, most humiliating car ride of my life. I was desperate to be free from that confined space. Jungkook got out the second Jimin had changed the gear from drive to park, and Tae glanced back at me, with some sort of piercing glare before promptly exiting as well. Since Jungkook left his door open, I slid towards his side to get out.

Hoseok turned to me as he watched me get out. "What?" I asked, wanting to scratch his eyes out as they seemed to be analyzing me. I still hadn't forgiven him for knocking me down when I first got here, and each time I really looked into his dark eyes, I was reminded of that. He winked and clicked his tongue, "Don't fuck this up, angel."

"Noted." I said, narrowing my eyes, and as he walked past me to the trunk where the others were getting their guns out, I muttered, "And I'm not your angel." I didn't know if he heard me but if he did, he ignored me. The alley was closed off, and as I glanced around, we might as well have been invisible. No one was paying us any mind.

Jungkook opened the trunk with a click and started pulling out the guns that we had brought. Tae and Jungkook had types similar to mine, and we all checked to make sure we had ammo loaded up. Jimin had gotten out too and was leaning against the car, and holding his phone to his ear.

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