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     I felt the warmth of the sun rays that were beaming through the large windows and it caused me to stir. I had distinctly remembered drawing the curtains closed in my room last time I was in there, so why were they open?

      Then multiple things occurred to me at once. The covers felt different than what I had slept in before, and not only that, but it was a different color. I also heard another person breathing, slow, sleepy breaths and that's when I had the horrifying realization that I couldn't have been in my own room.

I jolted up as if the bed were on fire, thinking that someone was in the bed with me. However, I saw that it was empty, and the breathing was coming from farther across the room, as I saw Jin sprawled out on the deep red velvet couch, head on the armrest and one arm hanging off the side.

This must have been his room that I crashed in. How did I not hear him come in? How long had he been there? I couldn't help but notice the light blue striped pajamas he was wearing, which made him look about as threatening as a teddy bear.

I had never seen someone so effortlessly handsome in my life. It was almost making me mad. Even like this, on the couch that would do his broad shoulders and back no favors in regard to comfort, he stayed perfectly still, looking like he was having a peaceful sleep, even though his position on the couch said otherwise.

     His brown fluffy hair floated just above his eyes, and his chest slowly rose up and down. Peeling my eyes away from him, I wanted to leave as soon as possible to avoid any awkwardness that would definitely ensue if he woke up and I was still there. So, I tiptoed out of the room, and managed to open the door to the hallway and close it as silently as I could with a soft click. I breathed a sigh of relief.

      As I turned around however I nearly screamed as I ran into a solid chest, and was horrified to see it was Namjoon looking down at me with a weird expression. I instantly wanted to clear up any misunderstandings that might have caused. "It's not what you-"

He sighed heavily and held up his hand, "I don't even want to know. Just...come downstairs. We have to brief you in to all this, and who knows how long that's going to take." he huffed as he lazily hit a knuckle against the door, "Jin, wake up. We're briefing."

      Without another look in my direction, he walked away and I stared a hole through his back, hoping he could feel it. I probably looked like I had just rolled out of bed, which I had, but I didn't want them to know that, nor did I want the others to have any inkling whatsoever that I slept in Jin's room.

      So, after wandering down the hall further and carefully I managed to find my room, which had been four doors down, on the opposite side of the hall. I blamed Hoseok entirely for throwing me off last night. I must have been so tired I hadn't noticed that he wasn't standing in front of my own door. 

I felt so stupid, but I tried to shake it off. Everybody makes mistakes. Mine just happened to be a particularly airheaded one. I freshened up a little, realizing I was taking some time and I smirked to myself. They can wait. I thought.

      I stared at myself in the mirror, and it was like staring at a stranger. The only time I ever got to look at myself in the facility was while I was in a room with a double mirror, but even then I didn't like to look.

      I could remember watching what they did to me, injecting me with god knows what while they tested my limits...That was the last thing I wanted to relive. A chill ran through me, and I quickly looked away from the mirror and headed downstairs, trying to think about anything else.

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