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I found myself stepping lightly on purpose as I passed by the garage, hoping to avoid any interaction with Jimin. There were no noises that indicated anyone was there, so I hurried even more to the elevator that led down to the basement.

It was only when I got there it occurred to me I couldn't use it by myself. I felt like an idiot for constantly forgetting, but then again how often does the average person have to deal with something like a biometric elevator? So stupid. I ought to just sever one of their hands and use it-

"What are you doing?"

I turned around, startled to see Jungkook walking towards me looking nothing short of curious. Had he been following me? I didn't even hear him. "Nothing, I was just.."

I found myself trying to find some excuse, but I sighed, and just opted for the truth. "I didn't feel like sleeping yet, so I wanted to get some practice in."

"Practice? For what?" He asked, as if he didn't believe me. I crossed my arms, "Just..hand to hand. I'm rusty, and I don't like it. It's embarrassing." I looked away from him, though I could still feel him staring at me, probably trying to find any underlying motives in my statement.

I could hear his footsteps getting closer, and soon he was standing right in front of me. I fought the urge to flinch as he reached beside me and pressed the down button. My eyes glanced at his intricate tattoos as his arm was next to me.

"It's always better to fight someone else when you practice. A sandbag won't try to hit you back." As the doors opened behind me, he was still staring at me as if to gauge my response to that.

"Are you volunteering, then?" I asked, and he brushed past me, and put his arm over one of the doors so they didn't close behind him. "I was going down there anyway." We locked eyes for a brief moment, and though I didn't have any ulterior motives, I wondered if he did. The last time we spoke, I told him I hated him. Maybe that's why he wanted to fight me.

When we reached the bottom after what seemed like an eternity, it was as empty as I remembered. I turned up my nose at the blue mats. Hoseok knocked me down way too many times, but I could feel determination building up inside of me.

I had seen Jungkook fight before...he was powerful. Not to mention incredibly fast, maybe faster than Hoseok. "What exactly did you want to improve on?" He asked, walking past me towards one of the mats. Straight to it, huh?

"I want to beat Hoseok." I blurted, and that made Jungkook chuckle feignedly. He crossed his arms, his muscles looking like they were trying to break free from his black t-shirt.

"Hoseok was the one that trained me. You don't have a chance in beating him if you can't even beat me."

"Who says I can't beat you?" I asked without thinking.

A cocky smile crossed Jungkook's face, and it gave me a fluttery feeling in my stomach. "I'll admit, confidence is important to have in a fight, but with how much you have, it's going to get you killed." He said, his smile slowly dropping and he almost lazily positioned himself in a fighting stance.

"Yeah? Underestimating me is what's gonna get you killed." I said with a sarcastic smile.

He looked me in the eyes through his dark curls that hung just above his eyes, and I had to fight a chill that threatened to travel down my spine. I couldn't move, and he just continued to wait for me.

"Whenever you're ready." I knew I couldn't hesitate any longer, so I approached and my mind was racing, trying to come up with some kind of plan. He was much bigger than me, and I couldn't even take down Hoseok when I wanted to. How was I supposed to beat him?

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