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     I'll never understand what was going through Namjoon's head when he decided to keep her here. A better question would be: why keep her alive in the first place?

     Sure, she proved she's not entirely useless. Anyone who could last that long in the ring with Hoseok, of all people, is sure to have some skill. What surprised me further was that he complimented her. Well, in his own way. He never does that. Especially to a stranger, especially to someone who tried to murder one of us.

      I wasn't there, but I don't believe she tried to save him. Not for a second. I don't care what Hoseok said he saw back at the facility. I don't care that he said he saw her dragging him out away from the fire. She's just like the others. She only cares about herself, and in some ways, I don't blame her.

     In this dark world we choose for ourselves, it's a dog eat dog world. Only the best come out on top, and it's certainly not by being nice or selfless.

      I hate that she's here, and I've run into her twice now, even though our house is fucking enourmas. How does that even happen? That's not the worst part. I feel her trying to get in my head. I feel her trying to understand me and that's the last thing I want. It's driving me up the wall.

     When she opened my bedroom door like it was nothing and saw me, the Kim Taehyung, the man that everyone can't ever seem to read in a fucking bath towel, I wanted to shrivel up and die.

I wanted to kill her. Literally. The gun on my nightstand was too far away at the time, so she's damn lucky I couldn't grab it. I say that, but I was frozen in place.

     I saw her eyes travel all over me, and I got chills. I saw more of her figure in the clothes she was wearing. Her eyes were wide with shock, and her lips were parted with exasperation and they were desperate to say something, anything. For a second, I looked at them and I was disgusted with myself.

     I finally found the words to tell her to get out, and she did. I stood there, not knowing what to do. I tried to get dressed, but she flooded my mind and I wanted to rip my brain out of my head and throw it away.

     I hated it. I hated her. I hated how she was making me feel something. I had decided I would never let someone get in my head again, and here she was, worming her way in. I decided right there and then I was going to beat the shit out of whoever bought her those clothes.

      I knew exactly what job Namjoon wanted to use her for, and it couldn't come any faster. It was in three months. This was going to be the longest three months of my life. I had a small task to do on my own, and once I had gotten dressed for it, I realized I had neglected to eat a proper meal.

     It was unlike me. Truthfully, I loved food. I rarely ate on a day I had to take care of heavy business though. Especially when I knew I would have to get my hands dirty. Blood doesn't bother me, in fact, I welcome it, but my stomach unfortunately, doesn't share that sentiment. Learned that the hard way once.

      I figured one of my favorite smoothies wouldn't hurt at this point. I wasn't on a time crunch. When I made it near the kitchen I heard Jin talking to someone, so automatically I assumed it was one of the guys. It wasn't. However, I wasn't going to throw a tantrum about it. I was going to get a goddamn smoothie.

      I did my best to ignore her, and it was hard when Jin was trying to get me to talk. He did a damn good job of making me forget she was standing there, so when I let a smile slip through, I wanted to throw myself out the window.

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