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Usually, riding my motorcycle through the city was one of my favorite things to do. The thrill of riding without a helmet on was a high. Feeling the wind whip through my hair and my gloved fingers grip the handles of the bike as the bright lights of the cars and city lights become blurry colors behind me was one of the ways I could let go.

The arms wrapped around my waist were a reminder that I couldn't let go like usual, which was fucking annoying.

Why did Joon have to put her with me, of all people? I was expecting him to at least put her with his own team, so he could watch her himself. Why me? This wasn't even a two person job, or at least with me, it didn't have to be. I was driving faster than usual because of my thoughts, and I felt her grip on me tighten as I sped up even more, effortlessly passing the cars that were in my way.

Her touch burned through my clothes, and I tried not to think about the fact that I could feel her chest on my back.

When we arrived, the loud whirring of the bike turned into a low hum. I got off, tucking the keys in my jacket pocket. She didn't waste any time getting off, and took my helmet off her head.

Her hair started to blow in the wind as she placed it on the seat of the motorcycle, and then her eyes met mine. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and I wasn't sure if she was aware of it, but her eyes said a thousand words. They sparkled.

I blinked, and I turned to go inside. Focus, Kook. I could feel her behind me, right on my heels. I stopped, and she bumped into my back. I rolled my eyes, and then I glanced behind to look at her. She looked just as annoyed as I felt. "Do me a favor and don't be this clumsy when we go inside. I don't have time to babysit you."

She scoffed at me, "I'm not a fucking child. Newsflash, I didn't choose to be here. I'm sorry I'm such an inconvenience." She crossed her arms and peered up at me. She wasn't super short, but she was shorter than me, which earned her a new nickname.

"Whatever shorty." I said, turning back around. For some reason the corners of my mouth wanted to turn up when I heard her curse me out after that, but I didn't let them. I opened the double doors leading inside, and I could hear the club music blaring through the walls.

I felt the inside of my jacket. My gun was there, and it made me wonder if Ava had one. I doubted it. She would have had to get one from Yoongi, and there was no way in hell he was just gonna give her one. I don't think he's even said one word to her yet. Not my problem.

As far as I'm concerned, she just had to stay out of my way. I just have to make sure she doesn't try to run. If she does, I've got a loaded gun. It would be a mistake on her part. Though, I had a feeling she was smart enough to know better.

I turned around to face her again, "Look, just stay out of the way, lay low, and don't go anywhere where I can't see you. You know what will happen if you try to leave here without me." I told her, pulling out the gun from my pocket just enough so she would get the hint. She looked unimpressed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." she huffed dismissively. "Just go find whoever we gotta find. You sure he's even here?"My jaw clenched at the question. "Namjoon's intel is never wrong. Remember that."

I tried to take a deep breath. I wasn't sure why she was able to get me riled up this easily, but I had to shake it off. I wasn't worried in the first place, I mean, the task was simple enough. I had to find one of Yoongi's former clients and ask him if he knew anything about the whereabouts of a certain someone named "Ventis." Namjoon didn't tell me every detail, but apparently, the guy's got it coming. That's all I needed to know.

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