Chapter Eight- I Don't Know Her

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Chapter Eight- I Don't Know Her

Khalil's POV

He knew he'd see her again. It seemed inevitable, like everything that was certain in life. Khalil had reason to believe that their quick interaction last night had only just scratched the surface.

He just didn't expect her to trail him to the supermarket the very next day, as he was doing his weekly basic shop, buying snacks and fruits he liked. It was one of his most favorite times of the week, just strolling through the random aisles and window shopping as he made small talk with other shoppers. It was something normal and humdrum he looked forward to, mingling with other Valley residents. Yeah, he didn't get out much, still getting used to being his own man and not being ordered to carry out missions, training incessantly, and being stuck in limbo when he wasn't needed. Sure, it had been three years since he had escaped the ASA, but old habits died hard, and since his entire body had been reprogrammed to obey orders, simply going for a walk, and doing some shopping was a big deal.

It was the first time since he had arrived in Akashic Valley that Khalil found himself being followed, and even though some part of him was itching to know what Jen Pierce's connection to him was, he wished she had just barged into the bar and demanded to talk to him instead of this. Following someone was just so personal, and it was ruining the good vibes Khalil always got from shopping.

He stopped in the fruit aisle, picking out some mangoes as he eyed her reflection in the security mirror above his head. Jen was all the way down by the pineapples, glancing over in his direction every few seconds to make sure he was still there. Khalil felt his lips curl up into a reluctant smile. She was almost crouched behind a lanky shopper, as though he would shield her from a former operative who had been the A.S.A. version of the Navy Seals or Black Ops. As soon as the tall guy moved away, Jen busied herself with scanning the pineapples as she slowly inched closer to Khalil. A tiny old lady sidled up to Jen and engaged her in conversation, and although he was still slightly irked at being followed, Khalil felt a sudden flood of appreciation ripple through him as he watched Jen pick out some guavas for the lady. People who helped old folks without attitude or rudeness always struck the soft spot in Khalil's heart.

As the old lady busily chatted to Jen, Khalil purposefully walked away from the mango section and rounded the corner into the always empty, sleepy atmosphere of the party section, and waited for Jen to catch up. He had no idea what she was up to, she didn't seem dangerous, but he intended to have the upper hand. His days of being caught slipping had ended a long time ago. Everything in him was screaming at him to leave, just walk out of the store while Jen was preoccupied, but there was a small, persistent part of him that wanted to hear her out.

So, he waited.

Sure enough, Jen came barrelling around the corner, sneakers squeaking on the floor, and almost crashed into him while he was pretending to read the funny birthday cards. Her arms came flying up defensively and she skidded to a stop right before him, panting out a genuine, "Oh, I'm sorry."

Khalil raised an eyebrow as she slowly gazed up at him, her eyes wide as she realized just who she'd run into. Her lips parted soundlessly, completing the ridiculously cute portrait of shock, and Khalil couldn't fight back a smile as he said, "You know, if you're trying to be sneaky, you probably shouldn't be wearing such loud sneakers. Or sticking around to help little old ladies in full view of your mark."

"It's not what it looks like," Jen said immediately, and Khalil was impressed with how quickly she gathered her composure, her eyes dogged as she looked up at him. Last night, she seemed taller, but he realized she must have been wearing heels, because she wasn't much taller than 5'3. From his lofty height of 5'11, he towered almost intimidatingly over her.

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