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Benny's POV
We were all waiting for the girls and I started getting nervous and started pacing I didn't think it would be this hard until the moment actually happened, the guys tried comforting me the best they could which I appreciated.
I saw Samantha and Scarlett run up to us they said they were on there way so the girls and the boys ran to the farthest corner. We waited for about five more minutes and then I saw Kate in a pretty light blue dress and saw Jasmin in an even prettier red with flowers dress, I couldn't take my eyes off her.
Jasmin's POV
I was still confused on why I had to wear a dress to a night game, but when I got there Kate and the others were gone she ran up and told me to keep walking so I did of course. I saw Benny standing there looking at the ground nervous, "Hey Bennyman" Oh um hey Jasmin he looked nervous like really nervous. "I really li-like you and if you don't like me I totally understand, I stared into his gorgeous brown eyes and all I could think about was how my first kiss was going to go and this was the perfect moment.
Benny's POV
I was still trying to explain my feelings to her when all of a sudden her lips crashed into mine of course I kissed her back all I could think about these past few weeks were her and now hopefully I could think of her more. Right when we kissed the fireworks went off it was so magical I couldn't even think straight. We pulled apart slowly and looked into each other's eyes, then the gang came and started cheering we both blushed and Jasmin went to talk with the girls and the guys pulled me aside. "So how was it bro" yeah-yeah said "It felt good like really magical" I said I had to tell them the truth they were my best friends. I could hear giggling and whispering and me and the guys looked over at the girls they were glancing at us and then went back to whispering. Then Kenny and Bertram pulled us out of our trance and we started to play ball, it was truly the best night ever.
Jasmin's POV
The girls pulled me aside after the kiss and we started talking mainly about the kiss, "So how was it, was it magical?" Scarlett said "Yes it really was I enjoyed it I really hoped he did then I looked over my shoulder and saw Benny starting at me not in a creepy way in a loving way I quickly looked back to the girls who were giggling then we all started giggling and the guys just kept staring at us. Scarlett also told us she was bisexual snd that she met a girl and gave her,her number and they had been talking for a little. We were all very happy for her and we all hugged then Kenny and Bertram had to ruin the moment and told us we should start playing ball so we did and it was the best evening ever!
After the game when everyone was walking home.
Benny's POV
Jasmin and Me were walking home around 10, I saw how tired she was so I gave her a piggyback ride all the way home, Jasmin's mom opened the door and took her in her own arms. "You know Benny your are very special to Jasmin, she's always talking about you. And I approve thank you for being her home, tell your mother I said hello goodnight Benny" Goodnight Mrs. Gomez I said and with that I left and went home walked upstairs and went to bed just thinking about the baseball game tonight and mainly Jasmin Lucía Gomez.
Jasmin's POV
I woke up in my own bed last thing I remember from last night was falling asleep on benny's back and him telling me he likes me, playing a baseball game till 10 it was all magical. All I wanted to do today was to stay in bed and think about last night. I laying in bed thinking when I heard taps coming from my window, I tied my hair in a messy bun and walked over to see Benny standing at my window and opened it and let him in. "Hey Benny I might not go to the sandlot today" I said I tried not to sound rude "Yeah me neither I told the guys and they said they had to do chores so I guess none of us are going to the sandlot but I came over here to ask if you wanted to hang out?" Um sure what were you thinking of doing cause it might take me a while to get out of my pajamas there very comfy we both laughed at the comment. "Well I was thinking maybe we can hang out here cause my parents are both gone today and I have no idea where my sister went". We could stay in my room and watch a movie? I said. I didn't really want to do anything I just wanted to stay in bed and with Benny it would be 10x better. We decided to watch The breakfast club (my favorite) and we laid in my bed. We were watching the movie when I slowly started to fall asleep on benny's chest I didn't even realized it but it just happened just like that.
Benny's POV
We were watching the breakfast club and I was playing with Jasmin's hair it was peaceful and I enjoyed her company I always did ever since I met her, laid eyes on her, and watch her make her first home run it was like I was in a dream that would not stop but I didn't want it to stop I wanted it to keep going on forever. I look down to a peaceful Jasmin I keep watching the movie and it laying with the ends of her hair once the movie was over I felt a little tired so I scooted down and wrapped one arm around her waist and another under her holding her hand we fell asleep and everything seemed right all peaceful and I enjoyed it every moment I never wanted to let go with her. I started drifting off to sleep with mi ángel en mis brazos.
To those people who don't know Spanish it means my angel in my arms :)
Jasmin's POV
I woke up to me and Benny being tagged together on my bed, I could hear soft snores from Benny it was so cute. I sat up and played with his fluffy brown hair I talked to him softly and kept playing with his hair it was so peaceful and I enjoyed it, No boys to be laughing and making jokes and no girls to be taking photos of us it was just me and him and that's the way I liked it. I held his hand and watched him flutter his eyes open. " I'm sorry did I wake up ben" No you didn't it's okay he said in a tired voice which I loved. He sat up and kissed my forehead and hugged me, we acted like we were dating but we weren't but that was fine. "Hey Jasmin can I ask you something?" He said I looked up at him and rested my chin on his shoulder"sure what's up" I said "I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend because we both admitted feelings" just then I kissed him just like the night before when the fireworks went off, " Of course I would Ben". And with that we laid back down with our fingers interlocked and his arm around my waist. I felt safe with him and I never wanted him to let go.

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