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Benny's POV
When I woke up I still didn't feel right so I got into clothes got my glove and headed out to the sandlot. When I walked out I saw moving trucks outside the old Williams house So I decided to go see if there was a boy our age to play ball with. When I got there all I saw was a girl playing catch with her dad, She was really good and really  pretty her dad left to go unpack I guess, So I walked up to her " Hey I'm Benny Rodriguez I live across the street and I saw you playing baseball and I was wondering if you wanted to play with me and my friends at the sandlot!"
Jasmin's POV
Oh well I have to ask my parents cause they might want me to help them unpack but I can ask, as I walk in I realized I just met the most beautiful boy in the world I was rlly hoping my parents say yes! I walk in to my mom cleaning the kitchen lucky she was already done unpacking so I took my chances to ask her "Hey mom so I met this boy Benny and he was wondering if I wanted to play ball with him? Can I ?" Sure cariño just be careful I will! I ran out as fast as I could I saw Benny standing there looking at his feet "ready to go my mom said I could" His face quickly shot up and looked at me yeah let's go.
As we walked there it was kinda awkward so I just started small talk " so is there any girls at the field that would be if I was the only girl" I chuckled Um yeah there are Kate Adams, Scarlett Wells, and Samantha Owens. Oh that's good! I say then we go back to silence.
Benny's POV
When we got to the sandlot I introduced Jasmin the the boys and girls I could tell the girls were excited to have another girl on the team especially Kate she was always happy to meet new people but especially girls. "Ok Jasmin your in right field I can just move some people out of this game" ok I said I jogged over to right field and we started playing they didn't keep score they just kept playing and playing until the sun went down. I met the girls who were there they seemed so excited to have me around and it felt good inside as we were walking home Kate asked me and the girls if we wanted to sleep over tomorrow night we all said sure and went our separate ways since me and Benny lived the closet we walked together all the way home, I saw him glancing at me a few times and I just smirked. We said our goodbyes once we got home and went inside I greeted my parents and told them all abt today how we just kept playing and how Benny hit the ball over the fence, to the beast who lived on the other side and how I was going to my first sleepover out here. I hugged them goodnight and went to sleep thinking about Benny just Benny.
Benny's POV
As I walked in the house I saw my sister making dinner she was a really good cook so I didn't mind I sat at the counter and zoned out thinking about Jasmin. My sister smacked the back of my head and I awoke from my thinking "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!"
I screamed " oh I'm sorry little bro" she said in a baby voice I rolled my eyes and I made my food onto my plate and we both sat down eating in silence until my sister broke it and asked " So who's the lucky girl?" What I said " Benny you are not a good liar that is for sure" she chuckled what do you mean? I say " I saw you outside with a girl today she was very pretty what's her name?" I slightly smiled Jasmin I said and smirked to myself  I was always smirking when I heard her name even though I met her today I think I was falling for Jasmin Gomez.

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