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"Ranboo?" Y/N called. He got worried when Ranboo just froze in place.

"Ranboo?" He called again, shaking him a little bit. "Hey?"

He took a closer look at his face, he was crying. His tears were just running down his face but they get sucked back by his mask.

"H-Hey??" Y/N cupped Ranboo's face, wiping the tears, from his one eye, away with their thumb. "W-What happened?"

Ranboo seemed to snap back to reality when he took a deep sigh and made eye contact with Y/N.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked again.

Ranboo nodded. "Im... Im fine."

"What happened?" Y/N asked.

"I just remembered something." Ranboo replied. "We should clean up."

"Can I atleast know a little bit?" Y/N kept asking.

"No, I said we clean up." Ranboo replied, a faint hint of anger in his voice.

"Where is Niki?" He muttered to himself when he walked a bit far from Y/N. He looked around.

"Why can't I know?" Y/N asked again. "Im worried Ranboo. Im worried for you."

"Stop asking. Its something personal, alright?" Ranboo answered, trying his best to be calm. "There's no need for you to know."

"But I jー"

"I said 'Stop asking'!" He replied amgrily, turning to look back at Y/N.

Y/N stood there stunned by Ranboo's sudden change of behavior. Ranboo noticed their reaction and tried to be calmer.

"Just... leave me alone." He turned around and crouched down, his legs up to his chest.

They stayed quiet for a bit. Nothing, just them and the faint noises of the breeze outside.

"Im sorry." Y/N apologized. Ranboo didn't answer.

While all of this was happening, Niki was still behind a pillar listening in. She acted as if she had just gotten there.

"Y/N! Prince Ranboo!" Niki called, trying to spread cheerful vibes. "Here are the other cleaning materials! Ill leave them here."

She dropped a bucket with water and a bucket with the stuff needed inside and left, not looking back.

Y/N walked towards the buckets and looked through it. He grabbed the sponge from the supplies Ranboo brought and put some cleaning detergent on it.

He pulled the water bucket near a huge puddle of dried paint. He started scrubbing it after pouring a bit of water on it to soften it.

Ranboo was still there crouched down, observing Y/N clean. He stared at the glossy floor again.

Y/N continued to clean not bothering Ranboo. He scrubbed all the paint on the floor and some splashes on the wall. He even cleaned the ones around Ranboo, but he never bothered mention any word to Ranboo.

Ranboo just stared at the glossy floor in front of him, looking at his reflection. He remembers how his mother always say that he looks great and should be proud of it. Now he just hides it from everyone.

He felt ashamed that he was just sitting there while he let Y/N cleaned their mess. In order to not interfere with them and to not make the situation more awkward than it already is, he left.

Y/N watched him walk away, not looking back. They looked up watching him walk up the stairs to leave the room. Once he was out, they sighed and looked down at the floor again, scrubbing the paint off.

"Just leave him alone like he said." Y/N muttered to himself. "You're no one to him. You're just a painter here, you're not here to be his friend."

While Y/N cleaned, Jack came to the room.

"Y/N?" Jack called. "Whatー"

"What am I doing here?" Y/N turned to him and chuckled. "Me and Raー Prince Ranboo made a mess, so Im cleaning it."

"He should help you." Jack suggested. "Ill help you instead."

"Oh! No need Jack." Y/N smiled. "I have to, we made the mess."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Jack complained. "You're literally the only one who is cleaning here."

"Its fine!" Y/N whined.

"No its not." Jack replied. "Ill go call hiー"

"Jack no!" Y/N shouted as they grabbed Jack's wrist preventing him to leave. "He is upset. I don't want to upset him more."

"He is.. upset?" Jack turned to Y/N and they nodded. "Why?"

"I dont know." Y/N replied as they let go of his wrist. "He just walked over to that vinyl records over there. He froze and started crying."

While Y/N was telling Jack what happened, he was walking towards the vinyl records and saw the one that made Ranboo froze. He knew why he was upset.

"I see." He muttered but Y/N heard slightly and asked.

"Why? What is it?"

"Its better if Ranboo tells you why." Jack replied. "Its a big thing for him."

Y/N nodded, understanding what he meant.

"You just gotta wait for him to tell you." Jack added. "If you don't mind, I will be designing the room in my head while you clean alright?"

"Yeah, I dont mind." Y/N smiled

They turned to the sponge and scrubbed the floor again while Jack marking down notes on his paper while looking around talking marks on the decoration of the room for the upcoming masquerade ball.


Ranboo left the ballroom and ran to his own bedroom. He dashed through the door closed it, took of his mask and cried. He misses his mom very much and anything that reminds him of her will make him cry.

He looked at himself in the mirror and he was a mess. He rarely takes care of himself now. Usually, his mother will be the one who will remind him to brush his hair, fix his tie or she will do them herself. Now, no one is there to do it for him unless he asks for help.

He has to worry for the upcoming masquerade ball too. He has to worry what to wear, and how his hair will look. He has no idea how to make himself look good and he has to look presentable for the guests, especially for his future family-in-law.


When Y/N finished cleaning, he picked up the canvas that him and Ranboo worked on. He sighed and smiled. He said goodnight to Jack and went up to his room, carrying the painting with him.

When they got to their room, he set it down on his desk and got ready for bed.

Paint My World || Ranboo x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now