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Extra upload for today since ya'll love this story so much, so here! Also a very Pog Chapter that I hope you'll like :D


Y/N grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He sat at his desk, writing a letter. Dream looked over his shoulder looking at what he was doing.

When Y/N finished writing, he wrote Ranboo's name on the envelope and placed it on the bed.

"Let's go," Y/N told Dream. Dream nodded and they left.

They walked to the front of the castle, walking past the ballroom. Y/N could hear all the chatter and the music from inside but they ignored it.

They waited on the top of the stairs for a carriage to come. When one arrived they walked down the stairs and boarded it.

As Y/N was entering it, Ranboo just came out of the front door. He shouted Y/N's name but they didn't hear.

When the carriage started to move, Dream put his arm over Y/N's shoulder, comforting them.

"It'll be okay." Dream reassured him.

"I made the right decision.. right?" Y/N asked, looking up at Dream.

"It depends."

Y/N looked back in front of them, sighing deeply.

Y/N fell asleep a few minutes after being on the road. He leaned his head on Dream's shoulder.


Ranboo and Techno came back inside. They walked back to the ballroom, seeing their father frantically find where they were.

"We're here," Techno said, his voice booming across the room. Philza calmed down and stared at them. Ranboo had his head lowered.

"Oh, there you two are," Philza said upon seeing them. "Come on Ranboo, we have to proceed with the party."

Techno walked down the stairs but Ranboo stood still.

"No," Ranboo replied. His voice wasn't heard clearly but it did grab a few people's attention. Techno looked back at him, worried.

"Ranboo?" Techno whispered. "We have to go, come on."

"I said no." He replied louder than the first one. He looked up, meeting his brother's eyes.

"Ranboo, come on now," Philza said. "You know what yoー"

"No!" Ranboo shouted, his voice bouncing back on the walls. His voice was heard even on the ballroom's corners.

"Ranboo," Philza replied, trying to contain his anger. He doesn't want to be embarrassed by his rude child.

"You know what, I'm tired of this bullshit!" Ranboo exclaimed, walking down the stairs.

Everyone gasped but he didn't care. He just continued walking down the stairs while trying to prove his point. He stopped at the center of the ballroom and looked back up at his father.

"I am not going to do whatever you want for me. I am not some sort of puppet that you get to control whatever movement or decision I have to do."

Alex was surprised by Ranboo's sudden confidence. She supported Ranboo silently, she was afraid of what her family would think if she fought back too.

"You never asked about me. You never asked about my decisions or my opinion. Nothing. You never asked a single time." Ranboo continued.

Ranboo was staring daggers at his father. He was pointing fingers at him as he spoke.

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