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When Ranboo arrived in his room, he settled the painting on his desk, changed his clothes, and went to sleep.

The next day wasn't much of a difference. Everyone was getting ready for the ball. The maids, the king, Techno, who doesn't seem to be bothered by any of this, and of course Ranboo, the main subject of all of this.

Y/N woke up in a pretty good mood. All they need to do now is to enjoy the last two days of their stay in the castle. They sighed, he was happy that he finally got to go home but he will also leave Ranboo, then he remembered he forgot to tell Ranboo the night prior.

It would be difficult for them to even contact him after they go back, he is a prince and they are just someone the king picked in the town. They have gotten closer ever since that time they messed up the ballroom.

He got out of bed and got ready for the day. He wore a simple cream top and matched it with brown trousers and black boots. He got out of his room and was greeted by Niki, who was about to knock.

"Oh! Hey Y/N!" Niki said. "Good morning!"

"Good morning Niki." Y/N greeted back. "What brings you here?"

"I was about to ask if you want to have breakfast with the family again?" Niki replied.

"Oh!" Y/N exclaimed. "Did they invite me? It would be quite rude to join if I'm not invited."

"Yes!" She answered. "You can go there if you want to. The king just wanted me to tell you that."

"Alright," Y/N said. "Thank you, Niki!"

"You're welcome!" Niki waved as she walked away. "I have a few more things to do. See you around!"

"See ya!" Y/N waved back and left their room.

They walked to the dining area and were met by the royal family. The food was laid down on the table and the members of the family were sitting in their respective places.

"Good morning Y/N!" Philza greeted. "Glad to see you could join us!"

Y/N walked up to the seat opposite Ranboo. They smiled at him and sat down. He smiled back and he felt his face warm up. Thankfully he had a mask on at that moment or else his brother would have teased him again.

"It would be rude to decline an offer." Y/N smiled and chuckled.

"Well then," Philza started. "Let us eat?"

Everyone nodded and they started eating, well except Ranboo of course. He doesn't have food on his plate as usual.

On the other side of the table, Techno elbowed Ranboo.

"Do you like him?" Techno whispered that only he and his brother could hear.

"What?" Ranboo whipped his head to face Techno. "What are you saying?"

"Yeah, you like him," Techno concluded. He faced his food again and continued eating.

"Whaー" Ranboo made a confused face. "No, I don't."

"You definitely like him," Techno whispered back. "You think I don't see how you look at them?"

Ranboo narrowed his eyes and then turned to his brother. "You have been watching us?"

Techno just shrugged. Ranboo scoffed in return.

They continued eating in peace.

When Y/N entered the room, Ranboo did think they were attractive. The way they just light up everything for Ranboo is what makes them special to him. They make his world much more colorful.

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