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"Y/N!" Niki called knocking on his door loudly. "Y/N, wake up!"

Y/N groaned and stood up opening the door. "Im awake." He said rubbing his eyes awake but also plopping down on his bed again.

"Wake up!" Niki said while gritting her teeth and pulling Y/N up. "The king invited you for breakfast!"

He immediately opened his eyes and sat up. "What?!"


"So, this is where I am huh?" Y/N thought. "Sitting with the Royal Family, having breakfast."

Y/N still hasn't touched his food, he still doesn't have an appetite since it is so early in the morning.

Y/N was sitting across Ranboo and he has been calm. Earlier, before they all sat down and ate together, Ranboo greeted his family and even Y/N. Him greeting his family was unusual itself but him greeting Y/N too was much more unusual.

"Good morning, father." He greeted bowing. "Good morning, brother."

He walked over to his seat.

"Good morning Y/N." He greeted but whispered it almost only to himself. He gave Y/N a tiny wave along with it.

He waved back.

Now he is cold and stoic again.

"Y/N?" Philza called.

Y/N whipped his head to face him. "Yes, your majesty?"

"You haven't touched your food yet," he said. "Is something wrong about it?"

"No, no, no." He shook his head. He caught a glance from Ranboo for a second before turning his glance at the king again. "Nothing is wrong, I just dont have an appetite this early."

"Alright then," he replied. "Suit yourself."

He continued eating and he stared at his food again.

Ranboo was just there, sitting. He needed to be present at this family breakfast, plus Y/N. He already ate in his room because there was no food laid in front of him. He usually eats with his family but since Y/N was there, he couldnt take off his mask and eat.

After a few minutes, Y/N finally ate, but most of them were done.

He tried to finish his food quickly but he didn't want to do it since itll be messy and probably disrespectful.

He calmly but quickly, the fastest she could, ate his food. Techno finished as Y/N was half way finished eating. He left immediately, Y/N didn't mind. Who was he to stop him to wait for him.

Philza and Ranboo was just there talking. Ranboo has been awfully lively than his usual self.

"He probably ate something that turned him to this, this, this lively human being." Y/N thought "This wasnt him."


"King Phil?" Y/N called, walking up to him as they left the dining room.

"Yes?" Phil turned to him.

"Thank you for inviting me to have breakfast with you and your family." Y/N thanked, bowing.

"Oh! No need to thank me." He replied. "Im not the one who said to invite you."

"Excuse me?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"It was Ranboo." He said tilting his head to where Ranboo was.

Y/N looked over and he was just staring at the unfinished portrait.

"You should thank him." Philza continued. "Ill go now, have a nice day Y/N!"

"Thank you, your Majesty." Y/N replied. He nodded.

He looked over to where Ranboo was. He was looking up at what Y/N already have painted. He decided to walk up to him to talk but he beat him to it.

"Is it hard to paint?" He asked making him jump by suddenly talking.

"IーI mean, you have a certain style of painting." He replied. "Its a style that is unique to you and its the style you're most comfortable in."

He hummed. "Why'd you ask?" Y/N asked.

"Just curious." He replied, then walked away.

"Hey wait!" Y/N shouted. He turned to him with an eyebrow raised. "Thank you."

"For?" He asked.

"Inviting me to have breakfast with you and your family." He said.

He just shrugged. "Its not a big deal." Then continued walking off.

Y/N stood there for a few seconds before he turned to the paint cans and started mixing colors that he will need.

This time, he'll be painting their outfits. There are mixture of blacks, greens, purples and more. Outfits are usually the most colorful part of the painting for him. There are varieties just by the painting the clothes.

He finished mixing the paint and climbed up the ladder, carefully. He started painting with the queen's clothing. Just as he was painting, Jack entered the room, panting.

"Oh hey," Y/N greeted once he heard him. "Are.. you okay?"

"Yes, Im fine." He said, panting for a few more seconds. "Oh goodness."

"Take your time." He said turning to the painting. "Breathe first, I have time to wait for what you have to say."

After a few minutes, Jack's breathing became stable and he wasn't as tired as when he arrived.

"So?" Y/N asked.

"I haven't been watching you paint lately." He said. "Im sorry. I just want to watch again that's all."

"You dont need to say sorry." He chuckled, turning to the portrait again. "Besides, I know you're busy."

"Yeah, planning and sending out invitations for the ball is difficult." He groaned. "Its hard to have so many jobs. Im one of the main workers too."

"Its alright, I mean, I assume you have been included in a bigger event right?" He asked.

"Yeah, but its not really me who was in charge. It was during the King and Queen's wedding." He said, smiling. "It was one of the best parties here in this very hall."

"I never got to see it." Y/N said as he continued painting. "Can you tell me?"

"Yeah!" He answered. "Something to entertain you aswell."

"Well," he started. "It happened..."

(A/N: small Jack angst + angst bg story for Y/N anyone? Im losing motivation sorry aaaaa)

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