Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


There is a heaviness of silence in the car. The pressure of Damon kissing that slut is now imprinted in mind.

Tears clouded my vision. Trying to blink those tears away just made it worse. I could feel them now, slowly making there way down my cheeks leaving a hot scorching path behind.

I could feel Kane’s constant stare on the side of my head and tried to avoid it by looking out the window ignoring him.

“You know you have to talk about it sometime.” He whispered.

“I know. I just don’t know what’s wrong with me. Why I feel so emotional.”

“It’s the mating bond.”

A silence filled the car. “Mating Bond? What’s a mating bond?” I asked him. Thousands of things flew thru my mind. I had no idea what he was talking about and my parents have never mentioned the mating bond. I wonder….

Kane’s sudden cursing interrupted my thoughts. When I glanced over at him, I saw his hands tightening around the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white.


Growls escaped my chest and knew my wolf was close to servicing. Trying to hold him down I slowed my breathing and relaxed my hands on the steering wheel.

I looked outside the windshield, trying to think of ways to explain what the mating bond was, but then I shouldn’t even have to.

“I can’t believe he hasn’t told you.” I must have said that out loud because Sky replied.

“He who? And what’s a mating bond, Kane?” she sounded desperate now.

“Your parents should be telling you this, not me.”

“I want you to tell to tell me Kane. My parents haven’t told me so what makes you think that they will.”

I blew out a sigh of frustration and whipped a hand over my face, trying to school my expression.  Just then we arrived at Sky’s place. I drove up to the house and put the car in park leaving it on.

I was about to open my mouth to tell her to ask her parents again when she cut hair hand thru the air cutting me of and said,” Your not going to get out of this. I am not leaving this car until you tell me what I want to know.” She finished, breathing hard with an angry flush covering her cheeks and eyes flashing dangerously.

“Did you ever hear about the term soul mate?” I glanced over to see her nod and continued,” Well, a mating bond is finding your soul mate. The mating bond itself is the physical and emotional pull between soul mates. Your soul mate is the other half of you.

You will have this connection that binds you together and for people like us it’s important to find our soul mate, because they aren’t a lot left of us and the only way to multiply is to find our soul mate, but it is a bigger deal when the alpha of the pack finds his soul mate because his mate will be our Luna.  Damon who is the future Alpha and you being his soul mate makes you the future Luna.”

“So — wait — hold up. So, Damon is the alpha and your saying I’m going to be the future Luna…then this makes Damon my mate right?”

“Yes, it does.”

“So, why was he with Roxy when he knew I was –is—his mate?”

“Now that I don’t know, but one thing is that you will feel very uncomfortable when a male that is not your mate touches you. You will also feel a tingling when your mate touches you.”

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