Chapter 3

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Sorry for the long wait...Hope you like it.


Chapter 3

Sky's Pov

    Unwilling to open my eyes to the sun that is glaring into my eyes I turned back around and pulled the blanket over my head.

"Sky wake up or your going to be late for school." Mom called from downstairs.

    With a groan I threw of the blanket and with a fustrated breath climbed out of my oh so comfy warm bed.

    Always hated the first day of school and especially this time since it is in the middle of the second semester. Well, at least its my last year in high school. Finally a senior and its almost done and over with.

    Dragging my feet slowely to the attached bathroom I looked in the more and gave a horrified gasp. My hair was sticking out in every which direction. I had huge dark bags under my eyes that indicate all those long unpacking hours. Grabbing the hair brush out of the drawer under the sink I tried to untangle the mess of a hair on top of my head.

     Fifteen minutes later I got mostly all the knots out and just put my hair in a messy ponytail. After that I got my make-up kit out applied some light brown eye shadow with light pink blush to get some color on my face and to top it of clear lip gloss (which I am not going to apply until I ate breakfast).

    Expecting myself in the mirrow for a minute more and being satisfied with my look, I made my way back into the bedroom and the messy thing I called my closet. I mean it's messy I haven't even gotten to my closet yet. There are shirts, sweaters, and jeans all over the place. I can't even see the floor anymore in the thing I call my walk-in closet and I mean that closet is almost as big as my room.

    With a fustrated huff I kneeled in the mess of cloths and tried to find something decent to wear. ten minutes later I ended up with blue skinny jeans, with a white top with my favorite band paramore on it and to top the outfit of I put on a black small vest tha accented my cleavage (I know sounds slutty but I don't have much in the chest area).

"Honey your going to be late if you don't come down now and eat breakfast."

"I'm coming, I'm Coming." I called back.

     Heaving out a sigh I grabbed my one shoulder back and climbed down the stairs. Coming into the kitched I saw my mom by the stove cooking my favorite breakfast turkey bacon, scramppled eggs, and pancakes. Giving her a kiss on the cheek and grabbing very sneakely a piece of bacon I said, "Morning mom, how are you this wonderful sunny morning?"

"I"m good honey and I saw you grabbing that piece of bacon."

Blushing I winked at her and said,"I just can't get away with anything can't I?"

"You know me hon I have eyes on the back of my head."

    Shaking my head I glanced over to the door that let to the living room and saw my dad standing there watching us. "Morning Daddy." I'm a total Daddy's girl.

    "Morning sweety."  he replied while making his way over to the table and giving me a kiss on the top of my head. "Excited for school?"

"Um not really I'm actually kind of nervouse."

    I saw my parents exchange a look. I'm usually not nervous when starting a new school it must be Damon. He is making me feel all gooey in the inside.

     "Well everything is going to be okay since I asked Damon to give you a ride to school today so he can show you around and introduce you to some of the pack members."

"That sounds great." Trying to hide the nervousness behind my fake smile.

Hearing the door bell ring my stomach gave a little role and not a good one."Ah that must be Damon."

     My dad got up and made his way out the kitchen and to front door where I here the door open and then silent whisperes. I wonder what they are talking about. Turning back around I shoveled the food in my mouth that mom just sat in front of me. I was almost done eating when I heard somebody clearing their thoat behind me. Turning my front to the doorway I saw Damon standing there and I almost choked on my food.

    He was wearing tight black jeans witha white plaid shirt and a leather jacket. His brown hair was all over the place as if he just had gotten out of bed and that makes me feel hot all over. With my full mouth I tried to say high when I opened my mouth to do just that some of my food fell out.

    Feeling the heat creaping up from my neck I can tell I was blushing and probably as red as a tomato. Chewing and swallowing the rest of my food I try to save some of my dignity to greet him without food flying out of my mouth.

"Morning"I said shily.

"Morning to you to pancake." he replied.

    That's when I noticed I had a piece of half chewed pancake laying on my chest. With a nervous chuckle I removed it. "You ready to go?" he asked.

    "Yep, I just need to grab my bag." I grabbed my bag from across the kitchen and made my way over to Damon.

Kissing my daddy's cheek and my mom's I said bye and followed Damon out of the house.

    This is going to be one interesting day at school its not like as if I could humilate myself anymore then I already have.


    There is something really weird going on with the spacing and apoligize for that. I'm probably not going to update for a while sorry. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!!


Thanks :)

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