Darklina Pet Names

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In this oneshot, Alina and the Darkling work side by side and have only seen each other as coworkers.

    .・゜゜・ALINA POV・゜゜・.

"What did you just say?"

The Darkling wears a weaselly smirk on his face, similar to a guilty child with his hand in the cookie jar. "I asked if you wanted to go for a walk?"

His smirk gleams with a sultry hue. "Kitten?"

I sputter for words like a broken faucet. I nearly pinch myself to see if this is actually happening.

After a long, stiff pause, I smile awkwardly and unsurely. "Please don't call me kitten."

"Alright, I promise to stop." The Darkling's face drops into a solemner expression. I give him one final confused look before turning towards the doors.


I spin around and my initial shock begins to thaw with anger. What the hell? Before I can hurl my gathering torrent of words into his stupid, smirking face, he around his desk and presses a finger to my lips.

This surprises me and I pause again. My words dissolve under his finger. He bends down until we're at eye level and I fight back a shiver upon  seeing the strength of emotion in his eyes.

"What, don't like that?" His eyes flick down to my lips and he enunciates both syllables. "Kit-ten?"

The word is warm on my face with his breath, his body far too close and flushed with mine. It's like my brain has short circuited. I stand there for a minute, my eyes blaring wide open and a mask of absolute shock cut into my face. Warmth fills all parts of me as we stand frozen, his finger on my lips and his eyes on my mouth.

Finally, like a bucket of cold water, I'm forced to my senses. I take a numbed step back and cross my arms.

"Just don't call me that." My voice is meek, like watered down tea. But it's all I can manage.

The Darkling enjoys the weakness of my tone. He dangles with his words like a cat playing with a mouse. "I don't think you really mean that."

The same, humiliatingly burning warmth floods into my chest and I can't speak again. He holds my eyes for a second longer before bursting with a laugh.

"You can relax Alina," he chuckles with a haughty, mean tinged laugh. A blush wraps itself around me, all the way up to my ears. "I'm only joking."

I clear my throat to push out the embarrassment clogged in my chest. "O-Of course."

The urge to run festers inside me and I make a shallow tip of my head as a goodbye. "Good day."

It's a bland goodbye, but I'm dying to get out of here. And I hoping he forgot his request for a walk. The Darkling nods, cutting off his laugh, and moves back around behind his desk without looking up at me.

He gathers his papers in one hand curtly. "Good day."

I turn around and relievedly feel the blush flow out of me, my skin returning to its usual pale pallor. My hand shakes a little as I open the door, but I yank it out quickly once I have a good grip.

Then, as if a shadow, the word trails behind me.


I scurry out, not bothering to close the door behind me.

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