Darklina Jealousy

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This oneshot will only feature a jealous Darkling, but if you would like to see a jealous Alina, let me know.


I bounce the side of my pen to the table softly, listening to the tip-taps. Boredom has long rendered my mind slow and my eyelids droop as I listen. When I had asked the Darkling to let me sit in on his council meetings, I didn't have this in mind. I swear time stopped an hour ago.

My eyelids suddenly fall and I jerk them open, blinking around the table. The only one not looking at the uptight, rat-eyed man speaking before us is the man beside me. He's looking at me. My brow furrows as I give him a second glance, I'm sure I recognize his face.

He's Corporalki, a Heartrender by the look of it. His eyes are a dark, intensely warm brown that give you promises of sweetness. His skin is strange for the usually downcast Ravka, it's a sprawling sun-hued tan. When he catches me looking at him, he smirks slightly and puts the tip of his pen to his full, reddish mouth.

"Falling asleep?" He whispers through a smile.

I frown at his teeth-dazzling amusement. "Sorry I don't find tax analysis as thrilling as you do."

The man let out a wheezing cough, but I can hear the laugh behind it. My frown relaxes to a pleasant, titled stretch to know he isn't making fun of me.

A strange pause signals to me that the meeting is finally over. I lean back in my chair and let out a dramatic sigh, resting both my arms on the armrests. The man doesn't move to leave like the others. I watch him lean over the arm of his chair.

"My sentiments exactly." He gestures to my bored, exhausted slump.

I laugh politely to him, but try to cut off his assumption that we are having a moment. I'm tired and the last thing I need right now is an unwanted conversation.

He's smart enough to take note, gathering his papers with one hand and giving a small bow towards me.

"Sankta Alina." The man lifts out his hand in greeting.

I give my hand to him and I'm shocked when he lifts it to his lips. He holds his kiss for too long, causing tingles of heat to trickle down my arm. When he releases my hand, I pull it to my chest like I've been burned and try to cool the blush from my cheeks.

The man, thankfully, leaves at last. I watch the doors shut behind him, my eyes drifting downward to the Darkling sitting in his chair across from me. He's staring right at me.

Or, to be more exact, my hand.

His grey eyes seem to darken like a storm swollen with rain. Flashes of rage like lightening bolt through the iris. I'm puzzled for a moment, then I wince to myself, knowing what's coming next.

"He seemed.... Nice." The Darkling's head cocks a little to his left on the word 'nice' and I'm sure he has another word in mind.

I wrinkle my nose at him, "I'm way too mentally exhausted to do this right now. Will you just drop it?"

The Darkling's hands are clasped together and when I'm finished speaking, his knuckles are bone white from his strain. I wasn't lying, I am exhausted. Too tired to deal with the jealousy lecture coming my way, I get up to leave. Before I reach the doors, the Darkling holds his hand out.

I pause for a moment, then give him mine. He drops his head to it and fills my fingers with a kiss. It's far longer than the other man's and burning with a certain passionate that makes me believe my hand is actually on fire. My blush returns, stronger than before.

He trails the kiss up my wrist. Once he reaches my kefta sleeve, without pausing, he pushes it up. All the way to my forearm, and continues his kisses. When he reaches the crook of my arm, unable to continue, I feel an unsatisfied growl against my arm. He draws back reluctantly and I suddenly realize how quick and fast my breath has grown. I hurry out of the room, tugging my kefta sleeve I'm a fierce blush.

The man never showed up to any more council meetings.

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