Scene 14 - Thunderbirds meet Captain Scarlet!

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We see the stock footage of Cloubase's vast exterior again before we cut to Colonel White's desk with the Spectrum officers and Angels around the desk. Lieutenant Green is by his desk, and Rhapsody and Melody are on the deck whereas Harmony Angel is standing by in her Angel Interceptor.

Colonel White:

Right. The time has now come. International Rescue will be arriving on Cloudbase shortly. I always firmly believed in making first impressions count, so I want Spectrum to look sharp and on point.

Captain Blue:

You do a fine job of it anyway, Colonel.

Colonel White:

Thank you, Captain.

Lieutenant Green:

Colonel, the Thunderbirds are contacting Cloudbase.

Colonel White:

S.I.G. Put them through.

We see two lights flash on the Colonel's desk. We only hear Scott's voice on the radio.


This is International Rescue calling Spectrum Headquarters Cloudbase, come in Cloudbase.

Colonel White:

International Rescue. Receiving you loud and clear. You have permission to land aboard. You will be greeted by my best men.


Thanks Colonel.

Colonel White:

Well, I am glad to welcome such honourable guests aboard.

Captain Scarlet:

Here they come. What fabulous machines.

We see Thunderbird 1 hover above Cloudbase with its wings extended and legs retracted. KABOOM! The jets from below blast as Thunderbird 1 carefully lands down.


Most impressive. And look, here comes another one.

Thunderbird 2 hovers above Cloudbase also. KABOOM! The jets blast as Thunderbird 2 lands beside Thunderbird 1. The pod raises up and we are revealed to Pod 3. The flap opens to reveal FAB 1 and other pod vehicles such as the Booster Mortar. Parker drives FAB 1 out of the pod with Lady Penelope, Virgil, Alan and Brains all inside.

Captain Blue:

Now that is just showing off.

With Rhapsody and Melody awaiting along the side of the deck, FAB 1 drives up to them and pulls up. Scott follows behind with his red hoverbike and stops next to the two Angel pilots. FAB 1's glass is opened as stairs are retracted so Lady Penelope and the others can exit.


Hi there. International Rescue at your service.


Welcome aboard, International Rescue. We're glad you've arrived. I am referred to as Melody Angel, and this is Rhapsody Angel.

Lady Penelope:

Why, Diane Simms!


Lady Penelope Creighton Ward!

Lady Penelope:

My dear! You're now working for Spectrum!


Thunderbirds/Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons: The Evil Of The MysteronsWhere stories live. Discover now