Chapter 18

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because nothing makes me happier and nothing make me sadder than you

"let me show you something, your majesty"

Jimin looked at him smiling loving the way taehyung called him he gave him his hand as he walked to the biggest portrait of the prince he pushed something from the portrait and it started moving as it opens a door of another room taehyung looked at him smiling then gestures him to walk in with him.

It was a huge room with big old windows and the whole room was lit up with the candles and there was a big swimming pool it was filled with clean water the whole place looked so beautiful, he looked at taehyung

"yeah i did something to vanish my anger" he rubbed the back of his nap nervously "do you like it?" He asked

"yeah i did something to vanish my anger" he rubbed the back of his nap nervously "do you like it?" He asked

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"The place"

"I love it tae" jimin hugged him laughing "it's so beautiful I didn't knew something like this exists in here" he looked at taehyung and thousands of stars were shining in his eyes

"yeah because it's my place I don't want others to come here" the Prince said stripping his shirt and coat off jimin looked at his toned body broad shoulders, define abs and he gulped down as the blush crept through his cheeks at the sight

"Strip" taehyung said as it's the most normal thing "hmm!?" Jimin asked again shyly and it's a time for taehyung to get shy "umm i mean you can't swim in these clothes" he nervously chuckled "ohh" jimin didn't said anything and started stripping too until they both were in just boxers,

Jimin was very shy he felt a little anxiety standing there exposed in front of someone but he felt at ease that someone is taehyung, he came closer to jimin and held his hand

"you are very beautiful" he looked directly into younger's brown orbs with his black onyx eyes and jimin felt millions of chills going down to his spine

Taehyung walked into the swimming pool with the stair until the water touched his chest he held his hand out for jimin "your majesty" jimin smiled and went into the swimming pool holding taehyung's hand the pool was deeper he wrapped his hands around taehyung's neck for support taehyung held him from his waist wrapping his slender arms around his small frame,

"You know how to swim?" Taehyung asked half whispering jimin nods taehyung smirked he can feel jimin was tensed in his touch, he slowly started tracing small circles on jimin's back with his fingertips softly and jimin tightened his grip on the prince neck the tickling feeling on his back is turning him on and he cursed the older at making him feel like that by only a little touch

Taehyung licked his lips and leaned in smashing his thin lips into jimin's plump one he slowly started moving his lips and jimin quickly responded moving his lips tasting other's lips taehyung's lips taste like smoke jimin is obsessed how rare they taste and jimin's fruity lips are addicting to taehyung,

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