Chapter twelve : Play ball

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Over a week now had passed since Eugene was brought to the infirmary and put into Denises care. His body a shell of his former self. The entire ordeal with the Saviors capturing him, well changed him to say the least. When Abraham would come sit with him, yes he was happy but not as happy as before. He had heard Denise tell Abraham something about possible post traumatic stress disorder now. But he didn't want to admit that he was honestly terrified of Abraham leaving the safe confines of Alexandria.

Eugene was siting upright in the mock hospital bed within the infirmary,looking intensly at the red scarring around his wrists now from the restraints he had been in for a month. Looking up now as he heard the door open, he smiled faintly seeing Abraham come in,carrying a tray with a steaming bowl of soup, and a glass of water.

"Mhm...smells nice.. " he said softly. Even his voice sounded different. Not the, I know more than you, tone he normally spoke in. It was much more, softer, almost monotone now.

Abraham just nodded forcing a small smile for Eugenes sake as he set the tray onto his lap then took his place in the chair beside his bed.

"Eat up big guy.." he said softly. Hating that Eugene looked the worse he's ever been. Denise guessed he had lost about thirty pounds during the month due to inadequate nutrition provided by Negans men. He looked so frail it broke Abrahams heart a little more each time he came by. He knew though if he stayed away it would likely hurt Eugene even more, so he fought through the anger and pain to be with him.

Eugene glanced down as he began eating the soup, sighing softly as the flavors exploded in his mouth. A genuine happy smile now forming on his pink lips. "Oh my... " he mutters slurping his soup as he always does. "..this is. ...delicious.. "

At that Abraham grinned lightly, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair. Thankful to see the Eugene happy, even if it was only temporary now.

"I made it...well sort of...mixed some tomato soup with some mixed vegetables.." he shrugged like it was no big deal.

Eugene just smiled a little wider at Abraham now, a small sparkle returning to his lifeless eyes "You cooked? I don't believe it.. " he teased, he sounding like his old self for a brief moment. At that Abraham rolled his eyes, the grin still on his lips "Hey, I can cook thank you very much... I just usually choose not to.. " he stopped, especially when you're here, he said in his head now.

Eugene just shook his head slowly as he ate now. Falling silent again, the brief moment of joking gone as his eyes went dull again. He managing to eat about half the bowl of soup, holding out the tray now to Abraham with slightly shaky hands. "Thank you.. Im full now though.. " he said softly, wishing he could eat more. But a month on little rations had drastically changed his digestive system. Just yesterday he ate an apple for breakfast and was full for seven hours. Water was a different story though. He could drink his eight glasses in a day with no problem.

Abraham took the tray with a slight nod "There's alot left... We'll have soup for a few days.. " he said light heartedly. Hoping for a good reaction from Eugene now.

Eugene just chuckled faintly at that "Well.. It is a good thing that I like it then.. "

Abraham nodded quickly with a faint smile, hearing Eugene chuckle made his heart leap. His Eugene was still there, just buried beneath some hurt and pain. He'd get him back. Slowly but surely he would.

"I'll run this back now,and I've got to meet with Rick about some construction materials..I'll be back later.. " Abraham lied like it was his second nature, pressing a soft kiss to Eugenes forehead at that. He just nodded at him with a small smile "Well.. I'll be here Abe.. "

Abraham forced a small smile before he left the room. A wide frown of disgust replacing his smile as soon as he was out of Eugenes sight.

He went quickly back to their house. Putting away the leftover food and grabbing a rolled up piece of paper from the counter before heading to Rick's house now. He had been plotting for days now with Rick and Jesus about an assault on Negans factory. Needing revenge on the bastard more than anything right now.

At Rick's house Abraham knocked on the door twice, he gruffly nodding as Rick let him in now.

"How is he? " Rick asked concerned, shutting the door now.

Abraham rolled out the paper on the dining table before answering "Better I think.. He's not the same though..not one bit the same.." at that part his hand clenched up into a fist atop the table. Their battle plans spread out before him. Rick walked over, looking over Abraham's shoulder at the paper "This will work, trust me. Negan loves two things,  theatrics and winning. Well this time he's gonna /think/ he's won. " Rick paused looking at Abraham grimly "...and you'll have your revenge. "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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