Chapter two: The Daily Grind

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After recovering from their, /erotic/ adventure,  Eugene sat up in bed groaning, rubbing his lower back with his left hand

"Damn you Abraham Ford.. I am /very/ sore now... And we have to head out to the factory soon.. "

Abraham just chuckled heartily at Eugene

"Oh lighten up Eugy,just shows you're pretty damned flexible. " Abraham winked at Eugene,causing him to blush bright red as usual, he nudging Abrahams leg

"Come on, we're behind now.. We need at least four cases today to stay on my schedule I layed out for the week. "

This causing a playful groan to emit from Abraham

"Damn you and your damn schedules Eugy....." he huffed as he sat up now too "...but I know we got work to do, it ain't gonna do itself... "

With a nod of the head Eugene stood up, shivering was little from the cold floor and air.  Winter was setting in and it felt like it was going to be a bad one. Snow was his worst fear, did they have adequate supplies in case of a full blown blizzard? Shaking his head of his worrisome thoughts Eugene got dressed in his typical attire, long khaki cargo pants, a button up earthy toned shirt and a brown vest. Grabbing his thick coat from the rack beside the dresser he put it on, before sitting back down to put on his boots. He never understood how someone could love these things. It felt like his feet were trapped,but they were best for today's life.

Standing back up he turned to watch Abraham get dressed, his movements so methodically, he always got dressed in the same way. Even stretching the same way as he did so. Eugene didn't realize he was staring at Abraham until he chuckled over his shoulder "Eugy stop staring, you've seen it all before. "

Eugene furrowed his brow shaking his head, feeling the heat rush to his cheeks again "Oh... I... Well... You... "

Abraham, now fully dressed in his camouflage pants and thick green sweater, came over pressing a soft kiss to Eugenes forehead "You just what now? " he teased Eugene with a wide grin.

With a soft huff and playful roll of the eyes Eugene turned and walked out of the bedroom, heading to the kitchen first to pack a few food items just in case. He always liked to be prepared for some things. Especially now, with the threat of the saviors about.

Slinging the bags strap over his shoulder he turned to see Abraham loading a clip into his rifle and sticking extras in a bag of his own, passing a small handgun to Eugene with a serious expression.

Eugene had never really liked guns, even before all this. He was against them at one point in his life, but now it could mean life or death.

He just nodded as he took the pistol and tucked it into the waist of his pants,before heading to the door. Grimacing as the cold air hit him once he opens it. Looking to Abraham for a moment to see his reaction to the weather, dryly chuckling as Abraham was just grinning slightly "Do I want to know? " Eugene said playfully

Abraham shook his head still grinning "I might tell ya later. "

Taking Eugenes hand they then walked towards the main gate, a few others waiting around the small van that would carry them all to the factory for the day. Everyone nodding or saying a soft "Morning," to Abraham and Eugene.

Eugene walked around to get in the front passenger seat, it felt odd for him to be the leader, so to say , of something now. Granted it was his idea to begin with but he had no idea others would willingly leave their warm, safe homes to go with him and make bullets in the middle of a war zone.

Abraham had climbed into the drivers seat, setting his rifle in between the captain chairs, Eugene glanced at it silently as Abraham started the engine and drove out of the gates.

How many people had he killed with that rifle?  Not just the undead but living. .he knew he had killed many, mostly for the sake of protecting Eugene. Maybe one night he would ask... It peeked his curiosity since, well he had never yet killed a living man. The idea scared him to death. Glancing at Abraham with slight anxiety about going out of the safe walls, hoping for some sort of reassurance.

Abraham glanced at him with a small curl of his lips "Don't worry Eugy,you know I'll keep you safe... No matter what it takes.. "

Those last words made a chill run up Eugenes spine, but he nodded anyways with a small smile.

"I know you will, you always do."

Abraham nodded as he focused his eyes now on the road "And I always will.. "

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