Chapter eleven: No more games

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Abraham never left Eugenes side as he recovered. Denise offering to stay with Eugene while he went home to rest or eat but he always declined. Feeling halfway responsible he wouldn't leave Eugene. Especially now. According to Denise Eugene had been in the infirmary for three days now. And he had not woken up at all.

But now, as Abraham was finishing up his small lunch when Eugene slowly opened his eyes. He seeming slightly disoriented and confused as he lifted his head ever so slowly and looked around.

" I dead? " he asked in his raspy voice. 

Abraham just shook his head sighing heavily "No big guy you're not... Cause hell would probably have better food. " he moved aside his plate of food, he scooting the chair over closer to the bed. Moving his large hand out to grasp Eugenes.

Eugene just sighed letting his head back down, his eyes softening some as he felt Abrahams hand hold his. "I'm.... Im... "

"you're okay big guy. They dropped you off a few days ago as they said... Im pretty fucking shocked myself too... Negan held his word.. " Abraham spoke slowly, his voice a little weak from lack of..well life to say the least. The past few days he had felt utterly empty. Barely eating anything or drinking. He was the cause of Eugenes misfortune yet again.

Eugene just listened as Abraham talked and filled him in on all he had missed over the month he was gone. Only nodding at appropriate times or forcing a small smile. Despite his cracked lips hurting. Hell there wasn't a part of his body that didn't hurt.

His wrists were still incredibly tender. The bright light from the bedside lamp then the window made him have to squint some.

"Denise said you were dehydrated... a slight infection from your wrists... And maybe some fractured ribs... " Abraham paused, his voice had gone grave as he spoke "...I swear to god eugene... Im gonna kill every damned savior...for doing this to you... They will pay for this."

Eugene just sighed softly at Abraham,looking him straight in the eyes "No... Don't... Go on some... Vengeance... Killing... Spree... I.... Im. Okay.. " he said softly, his voice still weak and somewhat raspy.

Abraham just clenched his jaw up but remained calm some. "Dammit Eugene you're in no position to tell me what I can and can't do."

Eugene frowns slightly now, slowly pulling his hand away "I... Im just... Trying to... Keep... You... Alive.. " he said softly. Wishing he had the strength to explain it all. Why he left without a fight. Why he never tried to escape. It had been all for Abraham. So the Saviors wouldn't come and slaughter the whole town. Then make eugene watch them kill Abraham.

"Eugene... I can handle myself... Unlike you.. " Abraham muttered angrily, yanking his hand back too. He stood up slowly "I'm gonna go get some air now... " he mumbled walking out the door now.

Eugene just sighed shaking his head slowly "I... Did it... For you... " he said softly, a few tears escaping his eyes.

As Abraham had stormed out he paced around outside. His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he thought of some way to get back at the saviors. If they wanted to screw around and hit below the belt. Then Abraham could play that game too.

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