Chapter five : Maybe it isn't

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Eugene sighed immediately as he entered the house he lived in with Abraham, the aroma of alcohol burning his nose.

"Dammit.. " he muttered as he walked into the living room, Abraham was sprawled out on the couch, a bottle of scotch sat on the coffee table, a glass on the floor. Which must have been in Abrahams hand, before he passed out. The liquid had soaked into the carpet now. Shaking his head angrily Eugene took the food to the kitchen first, grabbing a towel to try and dry up as much as he could. Walking back to the living room he knelt down and began blotting the stain up. Feeling a hand touch his shoulder he glanced up to see Abraham awake now, grinning lazily.

"Well hey handsome.. " he slurred, his breath wreaked of the stuff, causing Eugene to lean back away "Geez Abraham how much did you drink? "

"Not enough.." the soldier grunted as he sat up slowly reaching for the bottle now,Eugene quickly grabbing it up himself, moving out of Abrahams reach

"I'm afraid you're at your limit for today." Eugene said coldly, he hated when Abraham drank like this. For one, he was in a pissy mood for days afterwards, two, he hardly could get straight answers about why he would in the first place.

Abraham just growled menacingly at Eugene his hand still outstretched "Gimme the damn bottle Eugene. "

Eugene shaking his head as he stood up going to the kitchen "No. " he said sternly before quickly pouring the rest down the sink.

Before he knew it Abraham was behind him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, saying harshly in his ear "If you had to do the shit I did, you would want to be fucking drunk too. " with that he shoved Eugene into the counter before sulking off to the bedroom. Eugene just standing there in silent shock for a moment, before he took a leap of faith and trudged down the hall following Abraham.

In all the time he has known Sergeant Abraham Ford, he has never seen the hardened man cry. Until now.

Abraham sat in the floor at the foot of the bed, his head hanging down, just sobbing. It broke Eugenes heart to see him in such a way. He slowly walked in, going over and sitting beside Abraham, he hesitantly took the mans large hand giving it a squeeze hoping it would provide some sort of comfort.

"I'm sorry... You know I don't like when you drink.. " Eugene said softly, thinking it was his actions which drove Abraham this way.

"It's... Not you's these ghosts... " Abraham sighs looking at Eugene now " family....Beth and my kids... All the people I killed for haunts me Eugene...but it's something I have to do.. "

Eugene stared at Abraham shocked, yes he had heard Abraham talk some about his family, but not like this. Especially after it had been so long ago, and killing  for him, well that hurt more than anything else. Knowing he inadvertently caused Abraham to breakdown like this.

"I'm sorry.. " Eugene said with more meaning this time, putting his arm around Abrahams shoulders. The soldier willingly leaning into Eugene for some comfort and support.

"Not your fault Eugy.. I told you... I'll protect matter what... " again those last words caused Eugene to become uncomfortable, a chill running up his spine. He nodded anyways "I know... I know.." he said softly, just sitting there with Abraham. Rubbing his upper arm as he held him.

"Come on, get in bed... So you'll feel better quicker.. " Eugene mumbled helping Abraham stand then get into bed, he taking his boots off for him. Abraham seeming half out of it now. "Thanks Eugy.." he slurred again.

Eugene sighed looking at him "Sleep Abraham... " it wasn't a few seconds until Abraham was out again.

Eugene made his way out of the bedroom queitly, going back to the living room. Taking a seat on the couch he let out a long sigh. Abraham seemed to be getting worse. Slipping into a dark place, where Eugene was fearful, that if he went he wouldn't come back at all. The only solution he could think of would to separate themselves, but Abraham was hell bent on keeping Eugene safe. But Eugene not about to let Abraham go entirely cold and broken.

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