Chapter 3

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Blakes Pov

After we finished off those disgusting rouges we all surrounded my mate. Not to scare her, no I would never. We wanted to see if she was okay. Rouge attacks don't normally happen around here because they know not to mess with my pack and I. I looked at her beautiful face and saw a bruise on her right cheek, a split lip, a swollen right wrist, tangled hair, and many purple bruises on her abdomen. I wish I could make those rouges come back to life so I could kill them again! I was broken out of my murderous thoughts when my mate whispered "hello?" I looked up and trotted behind a tree and shifted into human form and pulled on a pair of basketball shorts my pack had stashed in the bushes and trees for situations like this. I didn't want to scare her, being naked in all.

Lexis Pov

The black wolf starred at me for awhile before I whispered hello and he walked behind a tree. seconds later I heard a horrible cracking sound, and the most amazing boy walked out from behind the tree. He had black bed head that was absolutely the sexiest hair style ever. you could see his toned muscles because he was shirtless, and they were something special. His 6 pack looked even hotter with his slightly tanned skin. I moved up his body and saw his moist pink lips stretched into a breathtaking smile. I looked up and saw his dark blue eyes staring back at me. looking me up and down, but still not looking me in the eyes.

Blakes Pov

She was tall, but compared to my 6'3 she was short. maybe 5'10 1/2. her skin was a creamy color, and she was curvy even if she didn't know it. She looked to be pretty strong for a human. Probably plays sports. Her lips were plump and rosy pink that I could picture devouring later on in our relationship. She also had golden hair that fell into wavy curls down past her shoulders. Then I found her eyes and gasped. They were an icy blue with dark blue rings around them. Then I noticed those amazing eyes were staring back at me. I don't know how long I stood looking at this gorgeous girl in front of me before Tyler, my third in command asked through mind link If we should kill her for what she saw. I snapped my head in his direction and growled. "No!" I yelled back in mind link, and turned my attention back to my mate. I smiled a cocky smile and said "what's your name?" "Lexi, Lexi Thompson. what's yours?" she asked "My name Is Blake Anderson and these are my friends Kris, Tyler, and Michael. I loved her name. I wonder if it's short for Alexis or if its just Lexi. There is so much that I need to know about her. She tried to stand up, but yelped and fell back down. She examined her wrist in horror. It looked broken to me. I bet it was numb from the snow and that's why she hadn't felt it before. Silent tears started running down her face again, and I rushed to her side. I picked her up, and I sat her in my lap. I don't ever want her to be in pain. "Shhh baby its okay." I cooed rocking her back and forth. "No its not!" she wailed. I picked her up bridal style and said "Lets go boys, she needs a doctor." she wrapped her arms around my neck, and put her head in the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself at how much trust I've gotten from her already. The mate bond is working quickly:)

Lexis Pov

Blake picked me up and I felt so right in his arms. "He's our mate so duh!" said the voice in my head. I don't know who's in my mind, but they have been there for awhile now. Mate is something they have never said before though. "Blake? What is a mate?" He froze mid-stride, and looked down at me."Why do you ask angel?" he asked me confused. "well don't think I'm crazy, cause I'm not. There is a voice in my head that keeps calling you our mate." I said fading out at the end. He probably thinks im crazy, and leave me on the forest floor. Blake looked at me confused, but happy. "How old are you Lexi?" he asked and started walking again. "Im 15, but my Birthday is in April so I will be 16 soon!" I replied as I thought about being able to drive. He chuckled and said "Well aren't you excited to be turning 16. "Of course I am! How old are you anyways?" I asked him. "i'm 17" he replied.

Blakes Pov

When she asked me about mates I was confused and happy. I was confused as t how she knew what mates were, and happy because she knew I was her mate. When I asked how old she was it finally made sense. Normal werewolf's don't shift until they are 16. They start hearing their wolfs voice in their heads by the age of 14. Since I'm Alpha I started hearing my wolfs voice in my head at 12 and shifted at 14. (5 minutes later) When we finally made it back to the pack house Lexi kept asking questions like "how come your house is so big, and you live with like a ton of other people" or "how come everyone bows down to you?" I just told her I would explain later.

Lexis Pov

Blake took me to what seemed to be his room in this huge house. He placed me down on his bed even after I told him that I could sit in a chair because it was just my wrist, not my whole body. He just ignored me and fluffed the pillow behind me. His whole room smelled just like him. Old Spice and the forest. I loved the smell. It was like my personal drug. I couldn't get enough because it calmed me so much. It made me feel safe. The door opened and in walked a handsome man. "Thank you for  coming Liam" Blake said Liam just nodded and put his brief case on the bed side table. "Who are you?" I asked Liam bluntly. "I'm the pack doctor. So I hear you broke your wrist?" He asked me. "Well I think so anyway." I told him. "Can I have a look?" He asked reaching for my arm. "No." I said yanking my arm out of his reach and giving him a glare. I've always had a phobia of doctors so it didn't help that this one was a werewolf. "I'm trying to help you. please." Liam said giving me a fake smile. "WHY WOULD I LET YOU SEE MY WRIST WHEN SOME WEREWOLFS JUST BROKE IT! And guess what Liam! Your one of those werewolves too! Do you feel like breaking any arms today?" I yelled furious that he could just waltz in here like he owned the place.

Blakes Pov

I have a feeling that the shock just kicked into Lexis System. "Lexi, baby please...for me?" I asked her. She quit screaming at Liam and looked at me. "Why should I let him look at my wrist? I mean I don't even know him!" She said. She had a point, but she needed to get better. "Can you guys leave the room so I can talk to my mat....errrr Lexi?" I stuttered. When the last person left I sat down beside Lexi on the bed. "Lexi you have to let him look at your wrist, or it could get hurt more." I said placing my hand on her shoulder. Lexi was being so stubborn, and all I want is for her to get better. I barley know her, and I care for her so much. "Ok, but only for you. And because my wrist is throbbing" She said giving me a half smile. She doesn't even know how much that meant to me. She is doing this for me, and that made me happy.

  So this is my third chapter and i'm feeling really excited about this book:) I hope to post another chapter tomorrow, and maybe two over the weekend:) hope you enjoy so far!

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