Chapter 8

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Lexis Pov

My pancakes were amazing, and I am now stuffed and ready for the long day ahead. We are currently in the car on the way to school in a comfortable silence. I looked out the window, wondering why I had never seen Blake at school before. We arrived in the school parking lot, and as I reached for my bag my car door was pulled open. I looked up to see Blake looking at me in a cute puppy dog way. "Thank you." I said as he helped me out of the car. This time he didn't hold my hand though. Before a empty feeling could settle in, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side. As we walked towards the front doors we got weird looks from everyone around us. I guess they were wondering why two people from two different worlds were being so lovey dovey after one night. Blake saw how uncomfortable I was, and glared at some people. Its not like they were being mean. They were just curious.  As we got to the front doors a group of girls stepped in front of us. I think the one in the fronts name was Ashley? "Oh Blake, Its so sweet that your helping this poor......girl to the nurse because you would never put your arm around anyone but me."  Ashley sneered, looking me over. Oh does she really think that she's all that? "Um excuse me miss too cool to know my name, Blake would never want to touch you." I sneered back. "Well if he wasn't touching me last weekend, I don't know what her was doing." She smirked. "You... you guys are together?" I stuttered. I was so confused. "NO" Blake yelled. "Your right, we are more of a friends with benefits type of thing." Ashley said with a wink. Everything that was going on around me was muffled. Like I wasn't even there. I was trying so hard to understand what was really going on. Were they together, and I was just a sad excuse of a joke for them to laugh about later? Or maybe im another friends with benefits thing. But if that s all true, then what's with the whole werewolf thing? Well I know they are real because I saw them turn into one and kill those rouges. All this werewolf stuff, and now this Is just making my brain melt. All I could hear was yelling, but my brain couldn't comprehend what was being said. I have to get away from all this stress. I put one foot in front of the other, and walked through the front doors. "Lexi? Where are you going?" Blake asked, but I was already gone. I went to my locker, and then to my first class. I tuned out my math teacher Mr. Lang until the bell rang. I gathered my things and wandered into the hall in a daze. As I rounded the corner I was pushed into a hard wall by someone. Everything happened in slow motion. My books flying. Me falling. Hitting my head on the wall. Looking up to the person who pushed me. A grinning Kevin. The people around us didn't do anything more than give us a glance. Probably thought it was an accident. Everything around me turned blurry, and I blinked away the tears. I wouldn't let him see what he did to me, I would not cry again. "Thank you Kevin, for showing us all how to push people into walls." I said sarcastically. "Oh I have much more of a show for you, but it doesn't involve the school or people." He sneered. By now the halls were empty, and I was feeling tired. My head throbbed every time I tried to move. Thump Thump Thump. Over and over again. He tried to grab my casted hand but I kicked his hand away. He bent down eye level and I spat out "Go to hell!" My whole right cheek burned as I screamed in pain. Why was I always getting slapped?

Heyyy chapter 8 is up! Ashley just never gives up does she? Cliffy;) Lexi is a fighter... she doesn't really like losing. And what's with this whole Kevin thing? Kinda a creep.. Anyways I will be posting soon so keep reading? Adios:)

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