Chapter 11

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Blakes Pov

Its been 2 months and Lexi and I have been going strong. We go on dates here and there, and hang out the other times. I've been teaching her everything she needs to know about being a werewolf. I've taught her how to fight, what rouges are, and what hunters are. She needs to be prepared because her birthday is in three days. That's when she will take the position of the packs Luna, or mother. I'm currently trying to figure out what to do for her birthday with my mother. "Do you think she's gonna want a big party?" I asked my mom. "Well she's your mate, you know her the best..." She trailed off. "Well she hates when things pop up so no surprise party. She likes attention, and the party has to have the whole pack there because that's where we will welcome her into the pack. "I rambled. Wow im starting to sound like Lexi. "Hun, breath while you talk." My mom chuckled. "Okay, so the whole pack will be there, and it can be held in the back yard. We can introduce her to the pack before we eat so she can mingle." I confirmed.

Lexis Pov

Im just waiting. Waiting for a huge party. I can feel it coming like a hurricane. My wolf is itching to get out. to break loose. My new friend Izzy and I are currently searching for, as she puts it "The perfect dress"  "What about this one?" Izzy asked holding up a strappy purple dress. "No I want a lighter color... More spring-ish." I replied, searching the racks. I couldn't find one that didn't look too slutty or way too formal. "Like a pink or blue one?" She asked, looking up from her rack. "No! This one!" I squealed, lifting up a gorgeous dress. KI held up a gold strapless dress with golden shimmers on the top. It was absolutely gorgeous. "Try it on!" Izzy said pushing me towards a dressing room. "Wait! You get that purple dress! It will look great on you." I said. I pulled the dress up, and it fit me perfectly. It fit all my curves, and didn't bunch up anywhere. I walked out of the dressing room to show Izzy, and I gasped. She looked amazing in that purple dress. The dress highlighted her chestnut brown hair, and brought out her olive colored eyes. It also made her look slightly tanner. "You look AMAZING! You have to get it!" I breathed, walking around her to get all views. "What about you! You're Glowing! Literally!" She gushed. "What should I wear for shoes Though?" I asked, thinking about what I had. "Oooooooo! Those black pumps with the gold sparkles! You never wear them! Its perfect! We are going to look so hot!" She squealed, and we walked to the check out counter.

*************************************              Day of the Party                **************************************

Lexis Pov

I've been so hyper all day. I cant wait to see what its like to finally be a werewolf! Will I be able to be as fast as Blake? Will My personality change? Will it hurt to faze? Will the pack accept me as their Luna? I am so nervous, but so excited because I know Blake will be there to help me the whole time. *Knock* "Come in." and in walked Izzy "Ready to transfer into one smoking hot Luna?" She asked with her head cocked to the side, and I childish grin on her face. "Ready to turn into a smoking hot Beta?" I asked, and her face lit up. "YOU'RE CHOOSING ME AS YOUR BETA!?!?!?" She screamed. "Of course! You're my best friend!" I said laughing. "Im so honored! I love you!" She said, giving me a huge hug. "Now sit, and let me do your makeup. I said, pushing her toward my vanity. "Hey I never asked you how your talk with your parents went. Do they know about us? What we are? And that you wanted to move into the pack house? I mean it obviously went pretty good considering that your living here.. but I need the details." She mumbled, looking at me through the mirror. "They said I could move in if they are allowed to visit whenever they want, and Blake and I have to celebrate Holidays with them still." I answered. "Wow! you got off really easy!" She said. "Well I kinda pulled the "You're never home, and im really lonely" card on them. I said as I finished curling her hair. "Well that works I guess, but its also true. They are never home." She said as she pulled a curl down, and watched it spring back up. We talked a little more as I did her makeup, and then she did my hair and makeup. "Wow Lexi, you look absolutely amazing." She breathed. "Well just wait till' I get this dress on!" I said winking. "Omg! You're so right! Change in there and I will change out here." She said, handing my dress. I Zipped up my gold dress, and spun around in the mirror. I blinked a few time to make sure it was true. "Wow." I whispered to myself. "How do you look?" Izzy Asked through the door. "Wow." I said again as I opened the door. "Oh my gosh! You look stunning!" Izzy and I said in unison. "I feel like a princess. What about you?" I asked, looking down at my dress. "Oh man. I feel like im going to be the best Beta to the best Luna." She said as she did a small spin. "You will, I know it." I said, glancing at the clock. "Its 5:00 Already!" I said, rushing towards the window. Everyone in the pack was already in the huge backyard. "Ready?" Izzy asked, standing by the door. "I am if I've got you and Blake with me." I said grabbing g her hand in mine. We walked down the stairs to the main level, and looked out the glass doors.

Okay so not very exciting but yenno...... I never know what to say in these cause I feel like im talking to myself, and I don't know anyone who reads this. Im Dedicating this chapter to my friends Abby and Eric for being the very first people to read this book when it was just in a notebook.  :) <3 Anyways vote, comment... ya bye!

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