Couple of Fools

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(and by that I mean flowers but also fools cos taejin are two pretty fools)

idea pot: In 'In the Soop', Taehyung cuts his cheek while shaving and my brain said: OH WHY NOT WRITE A 3.5K STORY BASED ON A CUT. AHAHAHA. So, I did - Tada!

This story is a lil' present to bAnGtanOpOlis, who keeps reading Remedy more than her textbooks. GO CATCH SOME SLEEP!

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He shouldn't have cartwheeled on a slippery floor. He wouldn't have if he wasn't bent upon showing off his skills. It is all Jungkook's mistake, really. He was getting a lot of oohs and aahs from the others and Taehyung wanted the attention to himself. Not everyone's attention either. Just that one person's.

Now, as he sits in his room with his right hand in a cast. He knows that neither is Seokjin impressed by his clumsiness, nor is he going to spend the rest of his holidays with him in the pool or playing ping-pong like he planned to.

He is disheartened by all of this. Because once they all get back to University, meeting Seokjin would mean running across the college town and managing less than an hour of his company. Even that would be along with his throng of friends, leaving no Seokjin-time for himself.

Though, tomorrow, they all planned for an extravagant lunch. Which means he gets to spend time with Seokjin. Maybe this time instead of childishly trying to catch his eye, he'll boldly make a move – confess. Or, ok. Maybe not confess. Just ask him out. On a date.

Yes. Date. A dinner. Nothing fancy. Dinner is fine. Taehyung is a smooth talker. He'll flirt his way into Seokjin's heart.

He limps towards the wardrobe to pick an outfit. Taehyung groans as he looks at his greasy reflection in the mirror. He hasn't shaved since the accident and skincare wasn't even spared a thought.

"Taehyung-ah?" his mum calls out for him. "Dinner?"

Taehyung checks the time. 10:15 PM. He calculates and shouts back, "Eomma, I will just have some yogurt later. Not hungry."

He pulls out his skincare bag with the working hand and tries to cleanse his face. It helps a little with his skin. Once the toner is set in, he realizes he has to shave.

He has to shave with just one hand.

Risky, he thinks. But he has to look presentable tomorrow. For Seokjin.

He pulls out his razor, sits in front of the mirror. He graciously applies the foam first, and then carefully shaves the moustache off. He gains enough confidence to go ahead with the uneven beard.

Just as he lifts his jaw and is about to shave the hair off, his mum shouts again. She says, "Taehyung-ah, our Seokjinnie is here!"

Taehyung's startled, his hand slips roughly. He yelps in pain as the feels the stinging pain on his jaw. He checks his reflection to see an angry red scar forming already.

"Oh no. No, no – "

"Tae?" Seokjin's voice is at the door, followed by a soft knock. "You in there?"

Taehyung stumbles over the stool, his own legs. He wipes the foam off his face and hurriedly opens the door.

"Hyung – "

Seokjin waves at him and then chuckles. "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

Taehyung laughs awkwardly. He says, "I wasn't expecting you – anyone. It's late, isn't it?"

Seokjin looks down, playing with the cuffs of his sweater, hovering at the doorway. "Umm – it's been long. I mean, not very long – I just haven't seen you since the day in the hospital. I thought – I was passing by and I don't have anything to do at home anyway. If – if you are busy – "

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