Sparks Fly!

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Love can find its beginnings anywhere.

The story is based on the video of BTS roller skating at the end of their 'Dynamite' performance on the Jimmy Fallon Show. 


"Use your feet!" Jimin yells at him. Yes, he knows he has to use his feet but how?

Jungkook is right next to him, his hand holding on to the back of his shirt. Unlike Jimin, Jungkook worries Taehyung might fall and hurt himself.

His feet again go in the opposite direction as he weakly flails his hands in the air. He reaches out to the nearest rail and holds onto it.

"I won't – I can't. I am going home," Taehyung breathes. "Why is it so difficult?"

Jimin twirls on one leg and hugs Taehyung. He says, "It isn't, baby. You can do it too."

"You are the one who wanted to try this," Jungkook adds.

"Yeaaaaah," Taehyung whines as he settles on the ground. "Because you both talk about this all the time and I feel left out!"

Jimin lends his hand and encourages him, "You are almost there. You did stand by yourself for more than 5 seconds."

"Before I fell flat on my ass," Taehyung mumbles but still takes his hand and gets up.

They go at it again.

Jimin lies to Taehyung about holding him when he really isn't. Jungkook, the sweetheart that he is, has his hand loosely around Taehyung's waist to give him a sense of safety.

Either way, Taehyung loses his balance and Jungkook catches him just in time.

"Everyone's laughing at me," Taehyung pouts. "There are children doing better than me."

"No one's looking at us," Jimin assures. "That guy over there is taking all the attention. He fell on his face thrice in the last ten seconds."

Taehyung holds onto Jungkook's arm and turns to look at the guy.

Clearly, he is having trouble – worse than Taehyung.

"The one in the orange pants?" Taehyung gapes. "I am better than him, right?"

"Of course, you are," Jimin says fondly. "And, we are better teachers too. So, you'll learn faster!"

Taehyung finds a new bout of confidence. He nods with a grin and releases Jungkook's arm from his grip.


Jimin and Jungkook watch from the sidelines as Taehyung wobbles yet manages to stay on his feet.

"I feel like a proud parent seeing his kid grow," Jimin says as Jungkook wraps his arms around his waist. They skate slowly in the same spot.

Jungkook smiles because he feels that way too. He says, "He do be our baby, our lil' TaeTae."

Taehyung waves to them with a grin plastered to his face. He has gone on for more than 10 seconds without falling down – that has to be a record, right?"

He then catches sight of a guy who turns, not as gracefully as Jimin, but definitely powerful, almost like a prince.

He tries to mimic the way his feet move. He follows his stride, his movements.

Then, he loses balance.

There a moment of fervent flailing . The said guy turns around just in time to watch a completely shaken Taehyung freefall towards him.

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