The Perfect Report (M)

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Seokjin watches the lights go off outside his office room. He clicks open the latest email that he received from his secretary. He rereads it and works on it for a few minutes before he pings him.

His secretary knocks the door and nervously waits for him.

"I was the one who asked you to come," Seokjin grunts. "Come in."

Taehyung steps in, dressed in a formal office attire of striped weak-yellow shirt and black slacks. He hovers behind the two chairs in front of Seokjin's desk.

"We've to send the report by tomorrow morning," Seokjin says as he stares at him. "Was I not clear about it, Taehyung-ssi?"

"Ye – yes, sir," Taehyung stammers.

"I wasn't clear then?" Seokjin questions his eyebrows raised.

"No – no, sir. You were clear – Saturday morning 8 AM," Taehyung manages but his hands are clammy with sweat.

"What else did I say?" Seokjin asks. He gets up from his chair, and walks around the desk, leaning back on it with his arms crossed.

Taehyung swallows, can hardly meet his eye. He answers, "To have it formatted, and reviewed before sending it to you – "

"And?" Seokjin urges.

"An – and, and that I'll be in trouble if I make any – any mistake," Taehyung breathes, the last words are hardly audible.

Seokjin smiles as he reaches out for his laptop and drags it next to him, "Can you read your report for me?"

Taehyung nods eagerly and almost stumbles on his way to the laptop.

"It – it has a screen film sir," Taehyung says. The blue screen prevents the screen to be viewed from any angle other than the straight view. It is usually used as a security measure.

Seokjin drums his fingers on the table. "So?"

Taehyung's hand goes to pull the chair to sit on it. But Seokjin kicks it with his legs making it topple back.

"You know the drill, Taehyung-ssi," Seokjin says as he walks to the locked camouflaged cabinet in the corner of the room. "It's already late. Don't waste time."

Taehyung watches Seokjin, who looks Prime Royale dressed in a crisp midnight blue suit. He pulls out a wooden paddle and walks back annoyed.

"What are you waiting for?" Seokjin asks impatiently. "I don't have the whole night to fix your school-grade mistakes!"

"So – sorry, sir," Taehyung mumbles and bends forward to read his report.

"Read it out loud, Taehyung-ssi," Seokjin rasps. "I want you to stress on every mistake you did."

Taehyung's sweaty palms are leaving marks on the mahogany desk. His eyes aren't focusing on the text in front of him.

"Sir – I – Sir," Taehyung breathes.

There's a loud whack. Taehyung yelps out loud.

Seokjin admires the way both the paddle and Taehyung's ass jiggle. He doesn't show it on his face though. He reminds, "Taehyung-ssi..."

Taehyung nods, "Uh - The steel industry is suffering a bad headache as benchmark hot-rolled coil prices have fallen 38% from there peak in – Ow!"

"I took the pain to highlight your dumb blunders," Seokjin shouts with the paddle vibrating in his hand from the impact. "Correct it."

Taehyung can only nod as he corrects 'there' to 'their'.

He goes on, his ass stinging with ache. He is embarrassed and hopes Seokjin doesn't notice the hardening in his pants.

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