52 kisses wide

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This is not how he thought he would feel by the end of the day. Tired? Yes. Deflated? No.

Taehyung thoroughly enjoys filming for few events that aren't necessarily music oriented. RUN BTS happens to be one of those. Most of today went great – lots of laughter, footage enough for at least two episodes, and good food at the end – he is bound to be exhausted. What he didn't want to be is disappointed. (Only slightly but still).

Yeontan follows him around the dimly lit living room as he brings both of their dinner to the couch. He replays the video on TV, notes down his favorite tunes and words to use them later. He scribbles few lines on the notepad as he slurps on ramen.

When he is satisfied enough with what he has, he puts his bowls back and gets to cleaning the dishes. Yeontan pads around the kitchen, tapping away to the melodic hums of his dad.

It is well past night when Taehyung is back to the couch. He groans a little, has an internal monologue before he decides that he has to transfer the lyrics and tunes from the yellowing notepad to his phone just to be sure he does not lose them (or tannie doesn't chew on them).

He is weary to the bone by the time he copies it all to his phone. He lies on the couch and picks Yeontan to sleep next to him. He checks his phone, drops a message to his busy boyfriend, and turns the TV on again.

While he ponders over the feeling of deflation he has had from the shoot before, he falls asleep to the replay of the same music video.


Seokjin bows to the driver after he gets dropped at the apartment. It is nearly morning now. A couple of hours more and the good sunlight would be seeping through their windows.

Usually, he would not be content with being awake this time. However, he had a recording to do, and it went exceptionally well.

He is at peace.

Upon entering the home, he sighs seeing the TV on. Taehyung must have slept waiting for him. He tiptoes to the kitchen and feels swelling pride to see it clean (no dishes to do!).

He finally walks to the couch and sees Taehyung asleep with Tannie right next to him. His hair is ruffled, and eyes tenderly shut. Seokjin touches the soft brown hair to make sure it is not wet, to be sure that Taehyung did not go to sleep without drying his hair.

Taehyung's hair isn't wet. Seokjin is relieved. But he continues to run fingers through them. There is an unexplainable comfort in watching your lover sleep peacefully.

When Tannie kicks his legs in sleep, Seokjin sighs and goes to change. He comes back to the living room to turn off the TV.

"Hyung – " Taehyung mumbles in sleep, his eyes still closed.

Seokjin for a moment thinks he is talking in sleep.

Yeontan sees it fit to get up now and walk all over Taehyung, pining for Seokjin's attention.

"You'll wake your Appa," Seokjin softly chides the dog.

"Hyung – " Taehyung whines and raises his hands up in the air.

Seokjin can't help but smile. "Did I wake you up, Voo?"

Yeontan yaps as if it agrees. But Taehyung just pouts. His eyes are closed though he seems to be awake.

"Hyung. Hyung – " he repeats, hands still outstretched.

"Tae – " Seokjin sighs fondly at the whining boy.

Yeontan impatiently growls at him.

Seokjin chooses to carry Yeontan to its bed and pats it. "House, tannie," he says. Yeontan turns around in circles thrice before it settles to sleep.

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