Cat under your arm

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The winter breeze is not doing its job well and it has Taehyung in distress. Seokjin sits on the edge of the other's bed, his one long leg gracefully crossed over the other, while he flips through his phone.

"But" Taehyung says as he holds his beige coat over the round of his shoulder, checking himself in the full length mirror. "The restaurant could be cold and then this coat might come handy. I do not want him to see my nipples stick out of this linen." He has to pout and stomp before Seokjin takes notice.

"It is pretty," Seokjin comments.

It is not enough of a comment for Taehyung. He says, "Hyung, how are you so unconcerned about your outfit? I am sweating buckets about mine. The guy's so.. um chic. I don't want him to see me as some low-life, inexperienced ass – "

" – oh wow," Seokjin chuckles as he checks the other, seemingly deciding to give his attention to his best friend. "Okay. Honest opinion? Chuck the long coat. Wear the bomber jacket instead. Show off your long legs, Tae. Chic or not, no guy is going to resist them legs."

Taehyung breaks into a wide grin – he can see his reflection brighten when he puts on the bomber jacket. "You are right, hyung. Look at my ass!"

Seokjin nods. "We will go? My date texted that he is almost there."

"I know why you don't care about how you look," Taehyung says as he follows Seokjin to the door.

"You do? Is it because I find them tiring? Or because they never work out?" Seokjin says with a roll of his eyes. "Or – "

"You look beautiful, always," Taehyung says nonchalantly. "I must admit it makes me jealous."

"Okay," Seokjin replies. "Okay," is all he manages.


Taehyung gets off by the bar where his date decided to meet, not before listening to Seokjin's safety checklist. (He got drugged only once, okay?) He checks his reflection in the mirror of the bar's front door. His legs are indeed long and sexy, and his ass does look fantastic. If tonight's date goes well, he is going to owe Seokjin a new plushie. Or a bag of gummies. Or even better, he would get him two gifts for Christmas and one of them definitely would be the hoodie-set in at least three fluorescent colors because no one pulls off those colors better than Seokjin and also –

" – ARRGHH" Taehyung all but squeals and swats away the hand that tapped his arm.

"Umm – " his date looks at him bewildered, slightly embarrassed too with the way the passers-by are giving him the looks.

Taehyung adjusts himself and lets out a nervous chuckle. "Hey – uh. Sorry. I was just – lost – umm – I – hey, you look good – umm – "

"Mingyu," the guy offers his name, eyebrows raised.

"I know that!" Taehyung laughs and he knows he isn't doing a good job. "I know your name. Mingyu – umm – so – "

"We go inside?" Mingyu says, trying to ignore Taehyung's awkwardness. "It is cold out here."

Taehyung smiles sheepishly. "Yeah. I'd like that – "



If Taehyung's vocabulary was as extensive as Seokjin's, he would put in more words to describe his date. But he doesn't and the word 'boring' seems to cover it all.

" – my father did buy a yacht. We had to sell it off – " Mingyu drones on, something about gambling. Or re-investment. Or something else that sounds dangerously like money laundering to Taehyung.

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