10. The Past

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Maya's POV:

As if on auto-response I stood and with what felt like a heavy storm I rushed and hugged Anurag. I heard a gasp from behind him. That might be from Shres or Saira. I am still determining who. And I didn't even turn to look at Samy because I knew what he might have felt. The same way I felt when I saw him with Saira.

Without asking what happened or even trying to remove my arms around him Anurag placed his hands around me making my hug tighter. He got me. As always he got my back this time too.

"I got you doll. I am here and this time I am not going to let that idiot hurt you again." He whispered into my ears making me sigh with all the sorrow hidden inside me.

Slowly I broke that hug and once I was far from him Shres came beside me. "Hey, Maya! All okay??" She asked even though she knew that something happened. She was throwing daggers with her eyes on Samy even though she was trying to talk with me.

I nodded without even trying to raise my head. I was worried that I had to face Saira. But to my pleasure, she didn't even stop at me. She instantly went to her fiancee whom I had kissed just a few moments back. Placing a hand on his shoulder asked him "What happened Sameer? Why is she crying??"

That's when I realized that tears were flowing from my eyes. I didn't even notice this time. My body got used to me crying like a baby these years. Slowly I turned towards Saira and bringing my voice back I replied "It's nothing, Sai... I just... Hmm... I missed my mom.. that's it." It's not a lie. it's true. I miss her like hell now...

Even though the reason for my outbreak is Sameer, my mother also plays a minor part in it. So my eyes started to tear again. As if waiting for a moment like this to take care of me, Anurag grabbed my arm pushed my body towards him, and hugged me hard.

I gasped because of that sudden and high intensity. But as always I felt safe with the arms of my teddy holding me safe and secure.

Sameer's POV:

She hugged him. Not once but twice. Even though the second hug was not initiated by her, she didn't push him away. I know all this is because of me. But I can't do anything. I want her to cry in front of me not because of me. Even though I know I am hurting her I hate it when she shares her pain with other people even that's Shrestha...

I turned towards Saira whose hand was on my shoulder. My face must have told her not to risk anymore, as she removed her hand slowly and started playing with her dress just like Maya... I hate it when everything that's happening beside me brings back all the memories of Maya.

Hating to see her with Anurag I moved ahead and without waiting for any of them to say something I went inside. I didn't even enter this house from the moment we came. It is a damn good-looking, country house. A house in which Maya would love to stay permanently.

I have known her from my childhood. Even though we became a couple several years later to our friendship, I knew her inside and out even before that. We never announced our relationship to anyone as there is no need for that. And no one ever doubted something was happening because we were always close. We are like two persons who can't be separated.

Though Maya's mother loves me, her father hated me from day 1. And when she told her father that I was more important to her than him, he completely lost it. But never in my worst dreams, I have imagined him going to that extreme to break us apart.

She thinks it's her mother who broke us apart by dying suddenly making her daughter realize that she is in love with a cheater. But not it's her cheater cock dad who broke us apart after planning for a whole of 2 years. I am not even sure how he guessed our relationship even before we identified our feelings.

I clearly remember the day when I walked into her room after finding out that her mother expired. Maya's mom has cancer. Everyone knows that she will leave all of us alone at some point. But Maya never accepted that fact. She has this blind faith that her mother will fight and win over that blood-sucking monster called cancer.

I am the one the doctor called after realizing that her mother passed away after a stressful chemotherapy session. Maya's mother asked him a year back that whenever her heart stops beating the doctor has to call me to inform. Not her daughter who can't digest this horrible fact, not even her husband.

So when I received that phone call I immediately ran to her home. When I found the house was locked I opened the door with my spare key and went inside. I thought of calling her from her room as I don't want her to panic or get a heart attack after hearing this damn news.

But I was not prepared for the scene that I had seen when I opened the door. I saw Maya's father trying to force some girl. Her clothes were semi-torn and her face was towards his side. He was forcing her to kiss him even though I could see that she was struggling to get loose from his grip.

My mind stopped working and the phone that I held in my hand thinking to call Maya fell onto the ground with a thud making him stop his actions. He looked at the reason for that disturbance. Once his hands loosened on her dress and hair, the girl whom he was trying to kiss and force, turned back making it possible for me to see her. Her crying face changed my whole life in one single moment.

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