4.Lost things

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He pulled me close making me hug him back with all the energy that I had. I cried aloud forgetting that we were in the middle of the road making a scene for all the bypassers. I heard Shresta telling my remaining friends who might have stopped to check on us that I was okay and they could go ahead. She told them that we would join them after some time.

"Sshhh.. It's okay Maya... You have me here.. Cry how much ever you feel like. I will always be there to catch you in whatever way possible... Just trust me on this. " Sameer said so and kissed me on my head on top of my hair.

Those words made me snap back to reality. I pushed him away with all the force that I could manage at that time. I wiped my tears with the back of my hands, turned around, and got into the car. I have so much to say to him at that moment but I can't do that in front of Saira. She didn't know that I couldn't trust him anymore because of her. I can't break her heart even though my heart is being shattered into a million pieces once again.

I closed the door and that made all three of them get back into the car.. Shresta came back and sat beside me but she didn't dare to poke me as she knew me. I might lose control with her one word of concern.

But not aware of my situation Saira turned back and asked me " Are you alright dear?? What happened ?? You know you can tell me anything right?? "

How I wish those words were true.? I can't tell her that her so-called fiancee is the reason for all my tears. I can't tell her that the person she is going to spend her whole life with has ruined my life forever. I can't do that right??

I simply smiled at her. I told her the one lie that I have been telling all my friends these days whenever they catch me crying or sitting alone thinking about something.. "I am okay Sai. I miss my dad.. that's all. And you know with all this work thing I missed dinner with him thrice. All that stress and sorrow made me bawl my eyes out.. nothing for you to bother. I am good now."

After listening to those words she smiled and turned back convinced with my lies. But the other two people in the car knew the truth so I didn't dare to look at either of them. Some part of my reason is true. I do miss my dad. But not as much as I miss the person sitting in front of me. He is far miles away from me and will be away from me forever and ever.

I missed so many people in my life because of him. So many dear and close people. I fought with my dad... I lost my best friend Anurag. I almost lost my dance career .. still given a chance I would have chosen him over everything.

I love my dad, Anurag, and dance but not more than Samy. But no. That Maya is no more. That night killed me in so many ways unimaginable. But do I regret doing things I left because of him.? No... I love dancing. Even though I left dancing as his family is completely against it I missed a huge part of my happiness with it.

And being normal and back with my dad is another good thing that happened after Samy. The only thing that is left now is getting back together with Anurag. I left one of my best friends because of my then-boyfriend. But now?? Do I still have to miss my best friend as I am no longer Samy's girlfriend?? Hell no. It's time to get my lost things back.

I turned towards Shresta and correcting my voice after that little charade I asked her " Hey shres.. Any idea where Anurag is staying now?" That made Samy cough and lose control. Through the mirror, I can clearly see him staring at me with god knows what that expression means. I am so sure that he is not at all happy with my question. but do I care anymore about how he feels?? Hell no...

"Hmmm...Anurag? Yeah.. of course I know where he lives.. he is my cousin remember?? But I thought.. hmm.. I mean. You guys are not talking right?? So..." Shres is clearly struggling to complete her sentences. She can't directly ask me what the hell I was doing with Saira being there.

"Were... We were not talking.. but now I want to... How many years can I stay away from my only best friend..?? It's been more than 3 years right??? I think it's about time to collect back my losses" I said looking directly into Samy's eyes from the mirror stressing each word...

"Losses???" Saira asked not knowing what I was talking about. But I can't explain to her in detail what loss I had to incur because of her beloved fiancee right? So I said " Yes Sai... I miss his friendship. I miss him a lot. So in one way that is a loss for me right?? So I want to get that back.."

I turned my full attention to Sameer and with a large smile I spoke " Hey Samy.. Can we ask Anurag to join this trip?? I don't know where you guys are taking me but if possible let's take a detour and meet him first .. please???"

As I didn't get any response from him I said " Anything for me right ?? Always and forever and ever.. come on Samy. I am trusting you this once. please take me to Anurag...please.. please... please ."

That made him clench his hands around the steering. I know that Samy hates Anurag. He hated him before and he hated him more when he found out that Anurag had feelings for me. Do I hate Samy for making Anurag run away from me?? No, I didn't. I know that Anurag is wrong at that moment but Samy did that as he loves me more. It's okay to move on when your ex has already moved on from you with your best friend right???

Authors note: Hello... Please let me know how you like this story. Please do vote for my book and share this with as many people as possible...🥰

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