Chapter 5 History and Myths

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"Mr. Davis is super hot, he left for a few weeks but he's back now and I swear all he did in that time off was get hotter," Audrey told me while we took our seats near the back of the classroom. "But don't tell Brad I said that." She took the empty seat on my left and, and Ivy took the one on my right leaving me in the middle.

"My lips are sealed," I faked locking them with a key throwing it at her.

"Good Afternoon class," the teacher, I'm assuming he was Mr. Davis, greeted us all walking into the classroom just as the last bell rang. "I've been informed we have a new student, Miss Avery will you please stand up."

I could feel my cheeks start to burn as I pushed my chair back and stood up. I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear before talking. "Hi, I'm Addison and I just moved here from Arizona because my mom got a promotion."

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Avery," Mr. Davis smiled before gesturing for me to sit back down.

"I see what you mean," I turned my head slightly and whispered to Audrey. "He really is."

Audrey nodded her head frantically at me before pointing at Mr. Davis and then started to fan herself. "It almost makes taking history worth it just to see him every day."

"So last week we talked about mythology and how it's different in certain areas and periods of time and on the planet, it differs. This week we're going to talk about the myths and history of our own town and how they started."

Ivy and Audrey tensed in their seats at Mr. Davis' words.

"Now I want everyone to flip to page 394 of your textbook and read where it starts to talk about folklore. Miss Avery you can just share with someone beside you until I give you a textbook later," he said looking directly at me.

"You can share with me," Ivy half-whispered sliding her already opened textbook towards me.

Everyone read in silence for half of the class, Ivy and I read together. She always seemed to turn the pages a little too fast when I was almost done with the paragraphs but still had a few sentences left. I didn't say anything because I thought that maybe she was just a fast reader.

"Alright everyone," Mr. Davis's voice boomed through the classroom. "Who can tell me some of the most common folklore tales of the pages you all just read."



"Wizards and witches."

"Werewolves," I called out raising my hand.

"Very good Miss Avery," Mr Davis noted writing my answer up on the whiteboard. "Now anyone that believes in werewolf's please raise your hand."

No one put their hand up, and I swear I saw Audrey and Ivy raising their eyes at each other in slight concern.

"Mr. Davis everyone knows that vampires and werewolves are fake," Audrey said out loud. "They're just all fairytales our parents used to read us as bedtimes stories."

"You'd be surprised, Miss Brown, how many people really believe in these types of things."

"Yeah and the tooth fairy is real too," Ivy leaned closer to whisper in my ear.

I brought my hand up to my mouth to still the laugh I feel about to come out.

"Similar stories can be found in many different courtiers and cultures throughout the years of people that would have never met all describing likewise things," Mr. Davis continued. He turned his back on the class while he kept on writing on the whiteboard.

"Yeah probably cause everyone was tripping out on some moldy bread," Audrey said in a low voice leaning over her desk towards Ivy and I.

The rest of class went on with Mr. Davis talking about folklore and similar stories around the world. Ivy, Audrey and I weren't really paying any attention, we were mostly talking among ourselves. And by talking I mean they were bitching about Grayson and Brad and how they annoy them sometimes.

Right as Audrey was in the middle of telling me how Brad met her parents and accidentally lit his pants on fire all at once, the bell rang.

"Miss Avery please stay behind for a few extra minutes so I can assign and give you a textbook." Mr. Davis's voice rang out over the shuffle of everyone packing up their bags.

"We'll wait outside for you so we can all walk to gym class together," Ivy said.

I nodded my head.

Ivy and Audrey left the classroom as I made my way up font to Mr. Davis's desk where he had an extra textbook already out for me. "This one will be yours," he said handing it to me. "Number 13, some would think that's a bit unlucky but it just depends on how you look at it." He held onto the textbook for a few seconds too long for my liking before letting it go.

"Thank you, Mr. Davis. I'll be sure to take good care of it and not lose it," I shoved it quickly in my open backpack before giving him a half-smile and turning towards the door.

"Oh, and Miss Avery?" He called just as my hand was on the doorknob.

"Yes, sir?"

"I hope that you enjoy your time in Midnight Creek and be careful."

I didn't say anything back, a weird feeling bubbling up in my stomach. So, I just nodded my head tightly and opened the door.

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