Chapter 14 Empty Classrooms

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          Pulling into the school parking lot Monday morning felt different, I swear that I could feel almost everyone's eye's on me and that some people even gave me slight bows as I passed them. 

          I parked next to Xavier's truck in the parking lot, expecting to see him waiting in it for me. After I spent the night Friday and learning about werewolves he was being extra clingy. Ivy told me that all mates are very protective of each other, but that it would be worse for me because not only was Xavier an alpha, but I was a human which would make him want to protect me more.

          I swear that I saw a few wolves patrolling outside my house last night when I woke up to get a glass of water.

          "Luna," a red-head girl bowed as I walked past her.

          "Um, what? I'm Addison- ohhh," I said finally relaxing what she meant. Xavier did say that some people in his pack will begin to feel the luna pull before the official ceremony. "Hi, have a good day."

          I was finally early for once so I decided to just wait by my locker until everyone got here. I was going over my Romeo and Juliet lines when I felt hands sneak around my waist.

          A big smile spread across my face thinking that it was Xavier, "Hey," I said turning around only for the person not to be Xavier, but Andrew.

          "Good morning, my Juliet," Andrew greeted me, releasing my waist and leaning up against the locker beside mine.

          "Hey, Andrew. How are you?"

          "Better now that I've seen you," Andrew flirted. 

          Ok, who was this guy? Because the Andrew that I meant last week was way more shy and way less flirty. I guess he wasn't a werewolf either because Xavier mentioned that since the pack will start to feel the luna bond none of the guys will even come near me in fear that Xavier will snap and hurt them.

          "That's really sweet of you to say,"  I began nicely. I wasn't good at telling people off that were flirting with me. "But, I guess that you can say that I'm kind of saying someone I guess." Xavier hasn't asked me to officially be his girlfriend yet, but I mean we did sleep in the same bed the other night and we are soulmates so maybe it's just an unspoken rule in the werewolf world? I was going to have to ask one of the girls for a quick werewolf dating rundown. 

          Andrew's flirty and confident attitude immediately changed to an embarrassed one. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea."

          "It's fine," I rushed out. "It just happened so I wouldn't expect anyone to know."

          "Who is it?" Andrew asked.

          "Xavier Black."

          Andrew's face hardened and it looked like he was biting his tongue from saying something he really wanted to. I was about to ask him if he was ok when I felt a heavy arm snake around my shoulders. 

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