Chapter 40 Monday Madness

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I did not want to get out of bed and go to school today. I already tried to convince my mom to let me stay home, but she shot me down right away.

"Absolutely not, Addison."

"Why not?" I whined. I hated Mondays with a passion and after the whole ceremony and getting marked this weekend, I think that I deserve a little time off.

"Because you've already missed enough class when you were home that week and when that weird, stupid guy took you!" Ok, so maybe my mom had a good point, but I still wasn't happy.

"But I'm a luna," I tried hoping that it would get her to budge.

"And I'm the mom. I win."

I knew that anything else I said wouldn't work, so I begrudgingly turned on my heel and went back upstairs to get dressed.

Xavier wasn't at all happy when I told him that I was going home to sleep in my bed Sunday night.

"But princess," he whined like a baby pulling me closer to him as I was trying to pull my jacket on. "I don't want you to leave. Stay. Stay the night." He even brought out his puppy-dog eyes to try and convenience me.

I stifled my giggles at the big, bad alpha acting like a toddler whose candy just got taken. "You heard my mom," I reminded him gently. "She misses me too and wants me home. But I'm sure that I'll see you at school, and maybe afterwards I'll come by and you can start to teach me about the alpha and luna duties?"

"I hate parents," Xavier grumbled out.

"I heard that!" Xavier's mom shouted from the kitchen.

Xavier's eye went as wide as dinner plates. "Um, that was Addie1" He called back.

"Hey!" I shouted out pushing his arms away from me and lighting smacking his chest.

"So Addie's voice just dropped a few octaves? Hmm?"

"Don't make me get that pan," I threatened, remembering the first time that I came over for dinner and his mom did the same thing.

"What's the point of being alpha if your mom still treats you like a kid? I mean," Xavier flexed his arms and I was drooling on the inside. "I'm a man!"

"And that's my cue to leave," I teased him. "Don't want to get in the man's way or anything."

It was absolutely downpouring when I pulled up to school and parked my car. I just knew that the second I set foot outside and opened my door I would be completely drenched. I sat in my car for a few minutes digging around to see if I had a spare umbrella laying around, but of course, I didn't.

I blame the Arizona in me. I'm somehow not used to this rain yet, and still expect it to be all sunshine and none of this.

I groaned out loud, dropping my head onto my steering wheel in frustration.

"Hey!" Someone called out, knocking on my window and freaking me out.

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