Chapter 44 The Blue Moon Pack

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           Mr. Thomas's house reminded me of my grandparents. There were pictures of chubby-cheeked kids and smiling parents covering every inch of his walls. A few of them I even recognized as Xavier and Cecelia when they were younger.

It almost made me forget that the man in front of me wasn't a monster. Key word being almost.

"I must say, Miss Avery," a sickening smile grew on Mr. Thomas' face. "That as much as I hate humans because all they do is ruin everything, I am very pleased that you have some class."

"I'm not going anywhere," I blurted out before he could say a word. "I don't know why you hate humans so much and I really don't care," I said bluntly. "But me leaving this pack and more importantly leaving Xavier will never happen."

The smile fell right off his face. "You are a stupid, useless human after all."

"I know all about rejections and how it would only hurt and break Xavier apart and for that matter, the pack. If you really cared about The Midnight Moon Pack then you would not have asked me to leave in the first place."

"Oh Miss Avery," Mr. Thomas took a few steps forward until I could feel his hot breath fanning over my face. "I'm not asking you to leave, oh no, I'm telling you."

There was barely an inch of space between us and I could feel my skin crawling and the hair on the back of my neck sticking up.

I had made sure to block off all of my emotions from Xavier as soon as he dropped me off at Mr. Thomas. I didn't want him to sense anything that was going to happen. And for that reason too I also blocked our mind link so I wouldn't accidentally send anything though.

"And how do you intend to make me leave? If you haven't forgotten, I've been officially sworn in as Luna and Xavier has marked me. I'm not going to be able to leave that easily, no one will let that happen," I repeated hoping that he would get the point and see that he had no leverage and no cards to use.

Mr. Thomas took a few steps back and brushed past me as he walked farther into his house.

We were standing in the entranceway, just off of the living room. As soon as I knocked on the door and Xavier gave Mr. Thomas a quick handshake I took a few steps in before the front door slammed shut behind me. Of course, I don't want to enter any more than I had to of course.

          "I would think that you valued your mother's life more than your pride," Mr. Thomas said way too casually for my liking.

"Where is all of this coming from?" I couldn't stop the question from coming out of my mouth. It's all I had been thinking about. Why now? Why didn't Mr. Thomas threaten me and try and drive me out of town at the beginning along with Mr. Davis? Couldn't I just catch a break for once?

"Your great-grandmother grew up in a werewolf pack in Colorado, is that correct Mis Avery?" Mr. Thomas completely ignored my question. "A human being raised among werewolves, how stupid. Especially when you learn that she was adopted by them. A true, pureblooded pack would never let such a thing happen, and I suppose because of that we find ourselves in this current mess."

"Don't bring my family into this," I spat. "This issue is between you and me -- no one else needs to get involved, especially my family for that matter."

My mom had already been through enough, and my grandma didn't need to get thrown into this either.

"The Blue Monn pack thought that they were going to change both our worlds," Mr. Thomas was facing one of the many photos up on his fireplace mantel. "They wanted to expose our kind to you humans, for us to all be one. But of course, that didn't work out. As soon as they tried telling the humans screamed and ran, only to come back with pitchforks like we were the devil that needed to die."

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