Chapter 36 Hair, Makeup, Tears

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          "Ow! Stop burning me," I cried out when Cecelia, again, pressed the curling iron against my scalp while doing my hair.

          "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I just haven't done a human's hair before and forgot that you guys get hurt really easily."

          "Well I'm human and I'm pretty sure you've burned like half my head by now," I huffed, sinking farther into the chair I was in.

          Right now Ivy, Audrey, Cecelia and I were jammed into Ivy's bedroom at the pack-house getting ready for the ceremony where Xavier would finally introduce me to everyone as their Luna.

          Cecelia instead on doing my hair, claiming herself to be the best hairdresser I'll ever have — but my charred head says else wise. 

          Audrey promised that when she did my makeup she wouldn't poke my eyes out, but right now I had very little hope.

          We had all gone to get our nails a few hours ago and grab some coffee knowing that we would all need it. I got a simple, nude manicure, while Ivy, Audrey and Cecelia opted for French tips.

          The girls all insisted that I didn't see Xavier until the ceremony its self. Claiming that it would make it more exciting and dramatic.

          "I still don't get it," I said out loud as Cecelia moved onto the last section of my uncurled hair. "I mean, it's not my wedding, so why should I wait to see him?"

          "Because!" Ivy exclaimed from her bed where she was touching up her already perfect makeup. "When I got introduced at the beat female and Audrey got introduced at the gamma female, we both did the same thing and it made the moment of seeing each other all the more special."

          I could tell that they weren't going to let up about it so I just kept my mouth shut, afraid that Cecelia would burn me again if I disagreed.

"And done!" Cecelia called out happily finally turning off and setting the curling iron down before picking up the can of hairspray and spraying my whole head in it.

Cecelia ignored my violent coughs and continued to spray each curl until she decided it was perfect. I was going to have the worst time brushing my hair out later tonight.

"It wasn't enough that you burned my head? You had to make sure I couldn't breathe either?" I half asked, half coughed out at Cecelia.

"Stop being dramatic," I could hear the eye-roll in Cecelia's voice.

"Actually," Ivy piped up from the bed. "I'm dying over here too, Ce."

"Same here!" Audrey added.

"Oh, be quiet all of you," Cecelia instead. She grabbed the small, handheld mirror from the vanity to show me the back of my head. "What do you think?"

I had to admit, Cecelia did an amazing job on my hair. Instead of it looking limp, and messy like normal, it looked full and beautiful. She gave me just enough height but made sure I didn't look like I was competing in a Texas beauty pageant. Each curl was shiny and bouncy, there were no start fly-aways or a single out-of-place hair.

"Wow," I breathe out. "It looks amazing. Thank you much, Cecelia."

          "My turn," Audrey announced. She hip-bumped Cecelia out of the way before getting started on my makeup.

          We agreed on keeping it simple and light, just a natural glam that didn't look like I was really wearing makeup.

          Ivy was not happy about this. She tried to convince me to go all out like it was the Met gala or something. Which I quickly turned down.

          "Knock, knock," came a soft voice from the other side of the bedroom door before it was pushed open.

          "Hey, Luna."

          "Hey, mom."

          "Ivy," Mrs. Black scolded. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Kathy?"

          "Hi, Kathy." I laughed silently in my chair as Audrey applied some blush to the apples of my cheeks.

          "Now that's who you should be call, Luna," Kathy pointed at me. I could see her through the mirror.

            Kathy was dressed in a floor-length, black, wrap-dress that had long sleeves and a modest neckline. Her short hair was clipped back from her face, and she was wearing only a few simple pieces of gold jewelry.

          "I'll stick with, Addison," I told her. "I don't know if I'll ever get used to Luna."

           Audrey finished my face and eye makeup, before grabbing the bottomless of setting spray and giving me a light misting. Nothing like Cecelia's cloud of hairspray that I can still taste.

          I was wearing a mat red lip to match my dress and a pair of gold and diamond studs that my mom passed down to me.

           "How do I look?" I asked everyone. I spin around in the chair, quickly standing up and stretching my arms out beside me, giving everyone a good view of my rumpled pj's and perfect hair and makeup.

           "Like a goddess!" Ivy yelled out.

           "I'd let you spit on me," Cecelia laughed but was cut off by a confused look from her mother. "I mean you look like a princess. Absolutely beautiful, Addie."

          "I'm so proud to call you my daughter," Kathy said in a soft voice. "I was always afraid that my son would be mates with someone that I couldn't stand, but seeing you, Addison, I couldn't be more proud to have another daughter as lovely as you."

          Ok, now I was going to cry.

"Don't you dare!" Audrey shouted out reading my mind. "If you cry and ruin that makeup I will kill you."

"And that's my cue to go put my dress on," I laughed off.

Kathy pulled me into a bone-crushing hug before I could take a single step to get dressed.

Of course, I hugged her back, but not with the same strength. I felt like a limp noddle hugging her back.

"Ok," Kathy pulled back and started to rapidly ran her eyes to strip herself from crying. "I'm going to go get your mom and send her in so she can help you with your dress and do some crying herself." And with that Kathy walked out of the bedroom.

"Where was my hug?" Cecelia asked out loud. She was standing by the bathroom door, her dress in hand and looking around the room. "I mean seriously, I think Addison just stole my mom as the favourite."

"And I'd do it again," I shot her a cheeky wink before walking over and giving her a sisterly hug.

Hi loves !
How are you?
I hope that
You all enjoyed
This early
Chapter of
All the girls
Getting ready
For the big
Ceremony where
Addison will officially
Be introduced
As the Luna.

I know that I haven't
been updating as
Much lately,
But I'm trying to
Stay on top of my
School work!

Thank you all for
your sweet
Messages and comments
They're my fave ❤️

Until the next chapter,
Where it'll be the
Stay safe!

-  G❤️

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