Sixth Flame: Raw Strength

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Obi: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming and taking part in the job-well-done party for the nighttime joint 5th and 8th exercise that was carried out the other night.

Following last night's events, Captain Obi and Princess Hibana decided to cover the reality as a training between them. Your performance vastly exceeded the 5th's and as a result the Soldier from the latter were going to be punished by their Captain, even if punition for them meant reward. Everything was working just fine, Maki creating her 'puf puf', Arthur slaying them, Hibana feeding Shinra. You didn't notice the clock was ticking since you were lost looking at the sea until Shinra woke you up.

Shinra: Hey man, you've been awfully quiet today.

You looked at him, before chuckling sadly and staring forward.

Y/N: We used to have party like these in Asakusa. Well, not proper parties, but still...I miss them, I truly do.

Shinra put a hand on your shoulder. Your late childhoods weren't too different. Not too long ago you had lost your family like he had. It was the reason of your dreams. Neither Shinra nor you wanted anybody else to be hurt.

Shinra: I know it hurts, but if you'll ever need help, I'll be happy then give it to you.

Y/N: It goes both ways.

After your bro-confession, your hands were shaked. You left your beautiful place by the sea not too later and joined the real core of the party, eating like you hadn't in months. The call from the Lieutenant was the sign you had to leave and so you obliged, scared of Hinawa's shenanigans, entering the Fire Engine, where you fell asleep on Maki's shoulder. The proof of this was that you woke up on the ground, with a red mark on your face. Those soft things you fell asleep on weren't pillows.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N asleep on chibi Maki's shoulder, before falling on her boobs

You were the last to enter Obi's office, where unbelievably he wasn't working out, so the matter in hands must have been serious. And in fact it was, since last reports from Hibana suggested that the 1st was involved in the mystery behind Human Combustion. However, Obi had an idea to discover what they were up to without daring too much in the eye.

Hibana: An undercover investigation of the 1st using the rookie training reassignment system?

Maki: That's pretty good thinking, Obi.

The Rookie Training Reassignment System, a way that allows crew members in their first year of service to be temporarily assigned to other companies to broaden their experience.

 Obi: Within the 1st's jurisdiction, there may be someone who is artificially creating Infernals.

Shinra: If there really is someone causing human combustion, they'll pay for it.

Y/N: I'll make sure they won't be able to do any more harm at the end of this operation.

Obi: I'm going to have you three do an undercover investigation of the 1st.

Shinra: Three? But it isn't Y/N's first year, is it?

Y/N: It is, actually. I couldn't join fresh of Academy.

Shinra: Huh? Why?

You were about to answer, but a quick glare from the Lieutenant was what your mouth needed to shut. As good as Obi's idea sounded, sending too many people from a single Brigade could have been suspect under the higher-ups from the 1st. Luckily, having a high status brought Hibana many advantage, including good relationship with other Brigades.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Maki wearing for Halloween a Hinawa mask

The next day, your eyes were fixed on the Obelisk sacred to Sol while waiting for the Rookies from the other Companies to show up, together with your accompanist Maki. They didn't make you wait too much, since after a while a Soldier from the 2nd beside the same idiot from the 5h who insulted Obi days ago were in front of you.

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