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Hope could easily describe to you what the worst pain in the world felt like. And it wasn't anything that was caused by physical damage, it was the pain inside of you that felt so horrible that it felt like you had been hit by 100 bludgers at once. But nothing had ever physically touched you, and that was such a strange phenomenon to explain.

Hope had broken several bones in her body, and gotten into many situations that left her bloodied and bruised. And yet somehow, those pains did not compare to the ones she was feeling right now.

Hope had spent the rest of Sunday in her dorms, and even skipped her classes on Monday because she simply could not find the energy to get out of bed.

Because the pain she was feeling was crippling to her.

She and Fred had broken up, and that was a deep regret for Hope. Because she didn't realize how deep her feelings went for this taller ginger man, before they had screamed at each other in the heat of an argument that they were breaking up.

And the worst part of all of this, was that Hope didn't even know if Fred even wanted to be with her anymore. He said it himself, he didn't want to be her boyfriend anymore. And even if she still wanted to be his girlfriend, a relationship had to be two ways in order for it to work. And Fred clearly didn't want it to work anymore.

So crying into her pillow was all Hope felt the energy to do anymore. Hermione, Lavender, and Parvati were the only three people who really saw the girl in her pain filled state. And since Lavender and Parvati really didn't have the same bond with Hope that Hermione had, they left it to her to take care of the girl.

"Alright, I brought you the Herbology notes," Hermione sat on Hope's bed as she tried to go over everything that happened today in classes. "We just took care of our Puffapod's today. I made sure your's was alright as well. Um, Charm we have a 10 inch paper due by Friday on the effects of jinxing animals. Oh! And McGonagall pushed the test back to next Monday so we have the weekend to go over all that... did you eat today?"

Hope tore her eyes away from the window, which showed the heavy snowfall they had been receiving, to look over at Hermione. "Yes."

"You did," Hermione's eyes widened because the plate she had brought her at lunchtime was still full and sat on Hope's bedside table.

Hope pulled back her comforter, and showed Hermione the many empty candy wrappers. "I've been eating my feelings."

"Well, as long as your eating," Hermione tried to resist the urge, but she couldn't. Reaching forward, she picked up the empty wrappers for her friend. Not wanting her to sleep in such a mess. "What do you want for dinner, that's not sweets, because you do need to eat something else today as well."

Hope pouted. "I want chocolate."

"No," Hermione signed. "How about I grab you some Chicken, carrots, and mash. You like that."

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