one-hundred & twenty-one.

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They landed in Hogsmeade under the protection of the dark that was provided at night time. They thought it would be the best time to sneak in, as no one would be up at this time at night. But they didn't account for the loud alarm that went off, letting people know that they were there. 

"They're here!" A Death Eater yelled down the street as they ran into an ally to hid. "Spread out! Search everywhere!"

"This way," Hope took the lead as she ran to where the outdoor patio was that they would sit at in the springtime. Its chairs were flipped up on the tables, and there were curtains drawn around the outside. 

Harry and Hope ducked under one table by the back, while Ron and Hermione ducked under another. 

The tent flap was thrown open as two Death Eaters came in to search the place, starting to look under the tables towards the front. The four friend's held their breaths in fear of breathing too hard and getting caught. 

And just as the Death Eaters were getting close, another alarm went off in the distance, causing them to quickly run that way.

"That was close," Ron breathed out.

"We need to keep moving," Harry looked around to make sure the coast was clear.

When it was, they quickly took off down another back ally way, not daring to go on the main road because they were sure as hell would have gotten themselves caught. They ran up a flight of stairs, but were sadly trapped when they came to a dead end with a locked gate.

A door opened to the left of them. "In here, Potter."

They didn't think twice, following the man's orders. When Hope passed him by, though, she had to do a double take because his face just looked so familiar.

They followed the flight of stairs down into a small room, each of them taking in a breath for that narrow escape. Once again. 

"Did you get a look at him?" Ron's eyes widened. "For a second I thought it was-"

"Dumbledore," Hermione had the same thought as well. "I know."

Hope noticed the large painting of a very pretty girl in the room, walking over to it, she noticed that her hair was moving in the picture. But unlike most portraits she had come across, the girl was not moving. She was still and silent. Then Hope's eyes moved over to a mirror that had a broken chunk taken out of it. But instead of seeing her own reflection, she saw Harry's.

"Harry," Hope called his name. "Why can I see you in this." She turned around to see him holding up the piece of mirror that he had been holding onto the whole trip. It was a gift from Sirius he was given many years ago.

"You bloody fools," Aboforth scoffed when he came down the stairs. "What were you thinking coming here? Have you any idea how dangerous it is?"

"Your Aberforth," Hope knew the man only by reputation and what Dumbledore had told her. "Dumbledore's brother."

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