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Hi! So, like every other Naruto story, the reader is OP. If you don't like this, then I'm sorry. Jk

I'll try to make the reader as gender neutral as possible! So everyone can enjoy! hehe...I'm very smart

Gender neutral means you are not define as a women or a man. Your pronouns are They/Them. Let's start the rules, shall we?
(Or, you are defined as both man and women.)

(Remember, your in the show Naruto. Which means no parents :)

1. No racism.
(Because I'm black. And if I catch you slippen')

2. Make sure you have respect for everyone in the comments.

3. If you don't like this book, please don't not leave a hurtful comment. ( I'm sensitive leave me alone :(

4. Any inappropriate jokes or cursing is fine. But please do not make any inappropriate jokes about the characters that are minors.
Don't make me say the names cause you should know.

5. Correct my grammar please, I want this to be as formal as possible. Even if you have to say it in rude way!
Jkjk... Right?

I think that's it. Just tell me if there's any more rules that should be added. (Necessary ones tho!)

See ya.

Edited Jul 10 2020
^ that is a fucking lie.
It's Jul 28
^^ NaH, NAH!
IT'S SEP 7 2021

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