The Four Crimson Leaf Clover -OVA-

77 4 11

Words - 2k+

F/C = Your favourite color

(Well, Hi! This a OVA, which means you don't have to read, but its just for fun. I liked writing this chapter, Idk why. But it was fun. Sorry it took a while. I had some very awesome experiences with family! Really wish I could tell you! Also I'm starting a new book about MHA👀)

Light snores were heard from Y/N as they slept in the F/C bed. Sheets covering their cold body. Takehiko pokes their cheek repeatedly.

"Y/N-Senpai. Oh Y/N-Senpai.." Takehiko groaned for making no effort. He placed his hands on his hips with a pout. He lifted one arm. "Y/N-SENPAI!?"

He slammed his elbow on their stomach with full force. Y/N's eyes snapped opened feeling the aching pain. "WHAT THE HELL!?" .

Y/N sat up and clutched their stomach for dear life. "T-Takehiko? Why the hell are you here?" The air was literally push out of Y/N's lungs making it hard to speak.

Takehiko closed his eyes. "Don't worry about that. I have a surprise for you. You are now the head master of the Takehiko group!" He threw both arms in the air with a smile.

"Excuse me? What?"

Y/N stepped out of bed and stood up to their height. They placed a hand on their hip with a bit of pain. Takehiko points at their face determination.

"Here is your mission, but to be officially granted.." He took out a note from his sweater which had one pocket. He handed Y/N the envelope.It had a red clover sticker keeping it closed.

Y/N opened the envelope with a nervous smile. A yellow paper was inside. The words were in a neat bold gold writing, it said 'For your mission, you will seek the the Crimson Four Leaf Clover.'



"Please, no"

"Please, yes. Now go get dressed.
Oh hey! That rhymed :D"


Y/N looked into the mirror trying to win Rock, Paper, Scissors with the mirror. "So tell me,what is this Takehiko group?" Y/N sweated at their mirror as they won the game.

Takehiko took a sip of orange juice out of the plastic box. It was almost empty anyway. "My friend Konohamhamaru told me!" Y/N nodded knowing that was the Honorable Grandson Of the 3rd.

"Alright then, how people are there?"

Takehiko took a bit out of his toast. "Well, we have you. The leader."
Y/N nodded their head up and down. "Then me! The general."

"Which makes two.."

Y/N's eyebrow twitched. "Oh Lord..I'm about be done with this game." Takehiko slammed his hands on the table. Y/N turned around to him.

"The is not a game Y/N-Senpai! This is a dangerous mission!"

Y/N cocked their head to the side with a smile. "Really? Then tell me, what is this clover for??" Takehiko's fist tighten. "Well.."

"This special someone has caught my attention. Her name is Kaede. She's quite tall, and has a nice personality. It's like a drug you can't stop. She's perfectly perfect!"

Y/N just sat their while Takehiko said sweet nothings of his crush. "But.." He started to move his arms around the air. "SHE'S FREAKING MOVING TODAY! AND I-"

Y/N placed their hand on Takehiko mouth to shut him up. "You like this girl." Y/N placed a hand on their chin. Takehiko turned red then sipped the rest of the orange juice.

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