Meet Takehiko EP3

80 5 7

Words - 410

Do you see my baby? Look at him❤
L o o k
Right, he is a child :D

I looked at the camera with a smile. When the man said he was done. He gave me my picture. I signed looking at the photo. 'I always make that smile. I really need to change that..'

I walked down the stairs and out the academy. I kept yelling at myself on how I looked, not noticing the boy running straight at me.

He was only half my size. "Uh, you okay kid?" He got the end of his sleeve and rubbed his nose.
'Note to self: Don't touch the kid's left arm.'

I squat at his level taking in his feature. He had White hair and light blue eyes. "Where are your parents?" He looked at the ground. "Home."

"Don't you want to go back home?"

He shook his head side to side slowly. I placed the tips of my fingers on top of my face. 'Now what do I do?'. I cracked my knuckles. Then looked at Ramon place. "Do want anything to eat at least."

He nodded his head and started to walk with me. "Didn't these parents of yours, teach you not to talk to strangers?"


I looked at the boy with narrowed eyes. 'I need to talk to the Hokage about this.' Me and the kid arrived at the Ramon shop and started to eat.

"After this, I'm going to take you to the Hokage alright?" He sipped away at the soup then placed the bowl down. "I've never seen the Hokage before."

My eyes twitched. "...Were have you been hiding, dork.?" I raised my arm. "Hey old man, Do you have any straws?" The old man's daughter gave me the straw instead. "Oh, thank you. Here uh, what's your name?"

He grabbed the straw and stick it in his soup. "Its Takehiko. It's weird isn't it?" I smiled. "Actually it's not, Takehiko means soldier prince."

His eyes widened. "I'm a prince?" I rubbed the back of my head. "In a way. Yes."

The boy got off the stool a went into a 90° bow. "huh?"
"Thanks for the meal! I'm being going home now! Thanks!" He waved his hand bye. 'Such a strange kid. He didn't even get my name...'

(Sorry not sorry for the short chapter. I did W A Y too much on the last one. Meet Takehiko, the absolute cutie😗❤)

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